A bill passed by the Georgia legislature that would allow “discrimination against LGBT people and others by citing…
A bill passed by the Georgia legislature that would allow “discrimination against LGBT people and others by citing…
Lets be honest with ourselves - VR is going to die quickly and painfully.
I feel exactly the same way. Not only that, but it’s not even good tech. Everyone is saying too much screen time is messing us up. So the next step is to strap the screen to your face like a horse with a feed bad? Nope. I feel like the retro catalog is extensive enough that gamers can survive the (probably) short life…
Always wanted a fast growing brain tumor!
Hahaha no. VR won’t catch on. People don’t want a headset strapped onto their face and judging from everyone that uses them, you can only use them 30 minutes at a time or you feel sick after. I’ll stick with my TV and play for 2 hours without wanting to throw up after.
Ditto. I’m just going to come out and say this:
Saving a lot of money and waiting to see if everyone around you goes blind.
“By this time next year, we could be playing PS4.5 at home and NX on the go, with VR goggles strapped to our heads the whole time.”
It’s fucking shameful, honestly.
Yeah I mean, if you live in the Bay Area and don’t have a top paying job or are already wealthy it’s a huge struggle to live there. You literally have to be wealthy to live there and not just be hand to mouth. Home ownership? HA! Yeah right.
the scary thing is that this isn’t a new trend, it’s been happening for over a decade. and the real issue is that the most powerful people in these communities don’t really care because they send their kids to private schools anyway. the people who’s families depend on public schools in places like palo alto are…
Change the headline to read:
Ricky Gervais being a lying annoying, smug radio journalist.
We’ve reached the stage in the lifecycle of the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon where copies are swamping thrift…
If you’ve seen IV, you’ve essentially seen it.
Dynamic Jowls is the name I propose for modern design.
go-faster dents
I’m crying because of how right you are.
More Content than the new Battlefront already - even has space battles.