“Master of None” comedy is weak. I tried, but every episode bored me. Maybe it’s because I don’t find Aziz funny. “Catastrophe” is awesome.
“Master of None” comedy is weak. I tried, but every episode bored me. Maybe it’s because I don’t find Aziz funny. “Catastrophe” is awesome.
“Star Wars Battlefront isn’t a perfect game, but hey, it’s Star Wars.”
“Star Wars Battlefront isn’t a perfect game, but hey, it’s Star Wars.”
Thanks man, I almost returned it I was so frustrated.
So, how the fuck do you start playing this game? I’m starting in a big empty field, running all over hell, trying to climb the mountains, etc. I got no clue where to go or what to do.
Be careful what you wish for . . .
Great? See like a pretty low bar you’re setting there. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to celebrate Macy Gray Day.
From my experience & others, I disagree with 1 & 2. Job posters might not like it, but the shotgun approach is the only thing that seems to work in the new economy (don’t kid yourselves, posters are playing the numbers game too).
Whatever. Can we import our old songs into RB4 yet?
A.) Who the fuck is Janice Dickinson?
Screw the grinder, show me how to use it with an I.V.
I’m sorry, but I don’t equate Star Wars to being a FPS. If I wanted an FPS, I’d get TFII or Unreal. The Star Wars game I want has “STARS” in it (I want to fly around and blow shit up!) When I think Star Wars, I don’t think “remember all those infantry battles?”
Is he part of that shitty Clone Wars cartoon?
Who the fuck is Kanan Jarrus ?
This is about as horrible as “How to send smoke signals from your telegraph”.
Or . . . just show up already drunk?
Atop the mound of my freshly slain enemies.
Do you know which bird old Ben wanted to represent the US? The Turkey (that’s no bullshit). Ben was a pretty cool guy, but I’m kinda glad he lost out on that one. Maybe he would’ve been happier with a lightning eagle ! ‘Merica !
My girlfriend drug me to this last night, people in the audience were actually laughing at how bad it was.
Could we just boycott it because it’s going to be a shitty movie?
Step 1: Remove Papa John’s pizza from box.