
Actually, I test both platforms all day long, and WIN is 900% buggier than OSX (don’t EVEN get me started on Android . . .) You can’t really blame micro$oft though, they don’t have the luxury of building all the hardware their software runs on. At Apple the hardware/software guys are literally across the hall from

Name calling is always the last resort of a weak argument.

It works really well with her flip phone and Zune player.

9 people, the 10th is you.

My 4th grade teacher hated me, and would put me down every chance she got.

When they fired her, did they give her a certificate titled “Most Likely to Fuck Up So Badly, It’ll Make National News” ?

Stan Lee showing up is jarring you out of your suspension of disbelief . . . in a comic book movie?

Even though Surface revenues increased 9% over the year-ago fiscal Q4 ($965 million vs. $888 million), they are down sequentially from the $1.1 billion revenues Microsoft reported in April and down dramatically from peak sales of $1.35 billion it reported in January.

A tablet is not a real machine (iOS or otherwise). They are designed first and foremost to be a mobile device, with tradeoffs on power, cpu, and connectivity. Are you plugging ethernet & hard drives into your tablet?

Yeah, but you still have to suffer with a Microsoft OS.

People have been saying that since 1980, but I’m sure YOU’RE right this time.

iOS runs all the mobile versions of their desktop apps.

Some people give a shit if their music sounds like it’s inside a coffee can.

Since ApplePay is just a digital version of your credit card, I would think you should be able to send a credit to any credit card, regardless of what digital conveyance platform you’re using (the credit card company is doing all the storage, Apple’s just encrypting the transactions back and forth).

It certainly looks better than what the competitors are offering.

Because the others sound like shit.

ApplePay is your credit card (Apple’s just doing the digital cash moving for it).

Safari is a lean HTML5 engine machine, without all of Chrome’s add ons. Safari is 80% faster, and I’ve never had a problem with it.

Nope, you only lose a copy of your credit card.

ApplePay is essentially a digital version of your credit card. The only difference is instead of being double encrypted, ApplePay is triple encrypted.