
I don’t think keyboards without any letters on them sell very well.

That’s a pretty good example. The scene kinda fell flat for me, I fell like they really could’ve taken advantage of that, but it just came off like a procedural.

Except for the Julie Mao scene before the crash, I can’t really think of any that had any gravitas.

I kind of wish DC would put some effort into Batman, then just forget the rest.

The Expanse has cool ships & stuff, but the Magicians uses emotions really well. With Quentin & Alice being on the outs, then having Alice’s shade embrace him last episode, I almost lost it.

It’s kind of brilliant how they shot him like he’s at the kid’s table.

I am angry because I have been watching the show.

WTF is Freeform ?

Zombies are the new Vampire. Mermaids are the new Zombie.

It’s nice to see Fox being dragged into the 20th century . . .

“Star Wars: Heros & Villains” ?

This is all very important. More time and money must be spent to thoroughly explore the ramifications of this ( the fate of the human race hangs in the balance ! )

I am strongly against all video game tea-bagging, it’s classless & immature.

I want to hear more about this retard dance off.

Good list of companies to boycott, Thanks !

I just always assumed that Cheerios were seeds for growing donuts.

Please, show some respect for Bandicoot Cummerbund. He acts hard !

I guess you were cool with Deadpool in “Wolverine: Origins” too?

Cool, If Zuck is Jesus, he’ll be dead in a year.

Pages does do one thing Word doesn’t do well, page layout.