
Oops, sorry, I had watched Muppets, then deleted it from my memory as an abomination of the original.

And I’m just saying: a buddy cop show with only Esposito and Ryan would totally rock.

The original Rocky Horror was a success because it didn’t look like every other musical out there. Congrats Fox, you’ve missed the point again. This looks like more Glee-inspired pop jizz that only Ryan Murphy and his friends might enjoy.

I mean, come on!

I want to be excited, I want to like this, I want it to be successful.

If I hear a laugh track, I’m fucking out, though.

Yes! If cats >= 1, then roll_direction = ‘under’; else roll_direction = ‘over’;

Don’t care. GIF stands for “Graphical Interface Format”. “Graphical” has a hard “g”, so should GIF.

I think the price turns a lot of people off for dimensions.

You’ve both got that the wrong way round... people don’t have cats... Cats have people.

And we have a winner!!

Thankfully technology has progressed. After all, Play-doh was originally for cleaning your wallpaper and Listerine was a surgical antiseptic and treatment for VD. Only with progress were the true best uses of these items and the proper way to hang toilet paper (under) revealed.

I was going to go with ‘boredom’, or ‘potential viewer apathy’, but I like your answer better.

The villain of the Justice League movie is Zack Snyder

Who would have thought that charging $14 for a plastic piece of one-off DLC wouldn’t have created a long lasting sustainable business plan? Go figure.

This, fucking this, I just commented I recalled a transparent phone. WTF is the article talking about? Maybe at ONE point in the movie he makes a call on the Chinese phone, but THIS is the phone I recall, the see-through super future phone made of smart glass. It was tits and beer.

I thought he had a translucent holgrammy phone. When I saw the movie last night, it looked like the phone was just a rectangular ring of material with a see-through middle bit.

This is the most time and work intensive method to avoid stale chips I’ve ever seen.

God, I am a longtime Liefeld detractor and even I sometimes forget how awful his art is.

Now playing

I will be sorely disappointed if there isn’t a remix or homage to the 90's cartoon theme tune (In Stereo)

How the hell do you actually watch them use it.