
“The real question here is who gives a shit about what Stern has to say anymore.”

Sure it can, just look in your girlfriend’s nightstand.

No offense Don, but it’s “Ms. Clinton” if you’re nasty.

And what’s the point of everything you described, Mr. Mason? Damages. That’s why she filed suit. To collect damages.

Did Wambach ask for the Harper or did Harper ask for the Wambach?

Bene’ Beworkinelsewhere

I hope he stays healthy in his early retirement or AD will be know for Adult Diabetes

If they had thrown a soda can instead of beer, would it have counted as a pop fly?

Somebody needs to show this “writer” to the stove. Sheesh.

Popovich: How have you been enjoying the carrot cakes?

Then explain all the murder in the documentary I saw about John Wick.

More cupholders.

Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.

Was the windshield tinted black?

Don’t fence me in


It’s a good version but the whole Bible seems a bit much for the average person’s head.

If you don’t shave King James into the side of his head, you need to reevaluate why you became a barber in the first place.

Rome, OK. But what did Columbine ever do to them?