
I don’t know - passing by several hundred feet above it doesn’t seem quite that bad-assy to me. Unless they went through a column of invisible hot poisonous gas, but it didn’t look like that was the case either.

Now playing

I don’t know about that. Have you seen this?

Microsoft: Announces XB1 w/ tv, media, etc.

Why not just put in a limit to how many people it can kill? Then we just send wave after wave of men at it till the limit is hit and it shuts down. Simple stuff.

I think this is a great direction for the console market to go. Sony’s doing the same thing, too. I think this is what Yoshida means when he says there’s no need for a PS5. That’s not the business model they’re working with anymore. It’ll be more like iPhones. Playstation and XBox will become platforms, rather than a

Yup. Here’s hoping Sony will loosen the restrictions.

It’s liiiiiiiiiit(ten)

can’t get rid of spam anywhere...

I have never seen anyone handle balls like that. Amazing.

X bone gets first dibs? About time they got ahead of ps4 in something. BOOM! Straight fire! I apologize.

Wait a minute.... You’re right!


The creator of Durarara!! also has another series, Baccano!, and a line in episode of its anime adaptation probably sums up Durarara!! best: ‘Stories never begin, nor do they end. They are comprised of people living. An endless cycle of interacting, influencing each other, and parting ways.’

My Headless Girlfriend Can’t Be This Cute!

How is this NOT Google’s fault?!?!?

Made famous by Terminator?! I think Colonel Jack O’Neill and the rest of SG-1 would have something to say about that. But seriously, not one single mention of the ten-year run of Stargate SG-1, with several establishing shots of Cheyenne Mountain in every episode?

Rocket League will be worth the wait. Trust me.

I was about to correct you but then I realized that “seal” level and “sea” level are very likely the same thing.

Seal level 1

Answering the old question “What would a quarter look like if it were masturbating?”

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.