
…you were right the first time. And it's "entomology".

I got an interview scheduled for next week! They contacted me right after another position turned me down, but this job pays better, is closer to my family, and is for a better company!

What the fangirls think and what the show presents are two very different things.

He's not the hero. He's fascinating and interesting to watch, but definitely the villain.

Exactly! Demon's Souls has been rough with the number of wikis and walkthroughs that exist. I've started relying on them too much, which is why I kept changing characters to get the "best one" and I started to obsessively research weapons and upgrades, and which point the game is no longer fun. I think I'm going to

I don't know if I get anxiety so much over the open world aspect, but I definitely get stressed out about whether or not I'm playing the game "right". I generally worry about leveling correctly, or whether or not I chose the right weapon, to the point where I just drop the game.

Reading Nemesis by Isaac Asimov, and wondering why the hell I don't read more Asimov. I think I always get it in my head that his books are super dry, and I don't know where that's coming from. Because I'm breezing through this one like crazy.

Finally graduated from college this past weekend, and now I get to pretend to be an adult! I even had a decent interview on Monday for a job that's kind of related to my degree, so I can stop stressing about unemployment at least for a little while. And since I graduated, I finally allowed myself to make an account