Backpedal faster there, you might make it... Oh, so close.
Backpedal faster there, you might make it... Oh, so close.
“Ultimately… this is a stupid post and nothing within it actually happened in any way whatsoever.”
No they weren’t.
“Why should people know the nationality of Justin Bieber.”
Yeah no. 4x buddy candy beats the shit out of any retarded costumes. Fuck that stupid shit.
Plenty of others implying he’s a pedo. On the other hand, who fucking cares?
“I didn’t watch the show at all.”
So that’s a “no” on the reading comprehension then?
There doing a real good job too. /obvious sarcasm
Imagine if your grammar wasn’t shit.
Let’s see a show of hands: Who asked for this inbred piece of shit’s opinion?
No he wasn’t.
Fuck off you humorless piece of shit.
Sorry. Only one depressingly retarded inbreed is allowed to make that stale ass joke at a time, and someone beat you to it.
Wouldn’t be a Pokemon Go article without some fucktard making that tired ass joke.
I’m in the same boat as Tomacxz, and we don’t care if everyone hates us, because OUR characters have huge titties and breathe laser beams.
Boo fucking hoo. The series that resurrected Hitler can throw a Rising Sun in if they want.
One more plastic cunt for the pile.
Not the story here.
If they were spreading racist shit all over the internet? Probably.