
Agree 100%!

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

The US should get into some sort of partnership that includes countries from both sides of the Pacific and try to exclude China from it to strengthen our position in the area.

Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?

This is much more accurate than a lot of these comments.

If Republicans were smart—if they were a rational political party able to act in their own best interests—they’d impeach Trump as soon as possible.

The classiest golden showers....believe me

The Nice Guys ruled. You eat shit.

Oh, but it couldn’t possibly be Hillary’s fault for being the single most untrustworthy candidate to ever seek the office! It must be the fault of the Russians, or those goddamned Bernie Bros. No way could it possibly be due to the fact that she spent all her time courting Republicans, instead of liberals, because she

Get off your high horse and stop underestimating us HamNo. When the time comes that we can’t take any more, the people will rise up and make some dumbass memes.

Now playing

The Nice Guys had great cars! How cool is cruising L.A. at night in a drop top Mercedes with a giant bumble bee?

I mostly agree with you, however I was really looking forward to people hating both endings and talking about how much they hate each one for forever.

In the last two weeks (beginning Dec 3rd) the timeline is... Trump calls Taiwan > China issues a formal complaint > Trump says we aren’t bound by the one china policy on Fox News > China warns this risks peace > China steals a sub. That is a fourteen day turnaround, and they literally warned us about this pissing them

since he cant sell burgers at his restaurant and can’t sell his steaks at sharper image, he has to take his beef to twitter.

Consider this - Harry Truman had a sign on his desk saying “the buck stops here”. Her failures are her fault. Trump was beatable and she failed.
Stop making excuses for her, or accepting excuses from her or her campaign.

The thing I never hear in all of this rending of garments: Hillary was incredibly unlikable and untrustworthy long before emails and Russians and Trump. Any portrayal of her as a bullet-proof candidate is wildly inaccurate. She was unlikeable in 2008, too. And a lot of those people we’re calling “racists” now for

Man, I loved this. All I can say is that the final section reminded me of a Barthelme quote.