
I think it’s more likely because the guy he borrowed it from, works at a company called Fair

Off topic, but I’d like to thank ya for the debate.

Lol, not a bit - with all the drama surrounding a bunch of AAA titles, it would have been more than understandable to be pessimistic. I’m just glad the story has a happy ending for all

And from reading other articles about upcoming changes, you will too! They’ll be adding a higher level for the raid in the not too distant future, in addition to the 300. So vanilla gets their achievement, you still get current content - everybody wins.

With all due respect, my challenge to you was to simply find an additional MMO of any sort that makes previously available content inaccessible without purchase of a DLC - within the first two months of it’s launch.

On the one had, I would agree - as segmenting the player base is never a good move. Yet on the other hand, I would argue that if a player has a power level of 330 and jumps into an activity with a recommended level that’s 30 less, they do so with full knowledge that they could end up with a team that is entirely at

Having a tier of the raid the matched the newer, higher power level - makes perfect sense

So, are you arguing that:

Again, I would say that Bungie didn’t communicate that this particular change was going to occur. In fact, part of the premise of the very article you’re commenting on was that long time Destiny veterans might have seen this one coming, but that others who are new to the series would not.

I can only speak for myself, but the outrage is because this isn’t new content being offered - it’s content that could have been done last week having its difficulty adjusted so that the DLC is now required to take part. If it was a new raid, or a new and higher difficulty setting for the existing raid, I don’t think

In many ways, I must disagree with you. For one thing, why must it be a binary choice of either:

That’s the problem - it’s the same endgame that anyone could have done last week. Only now, it requires the DLC because of the increase in power level required. The content itself is no different

That’s the problem - it’s the same endgame that anyone could have done last week. Only now, it requires the DLC because of the increase in power level required. The content itself is no different

So, did you actually have any complaints about the review? Or just the person that did it?

“Go do public events in zone X, and we’ll give ya a purple!” Weekly reset