Wha' happen'?

What's the name of the character that hauls basket-boy?

Love the idea of the sticker. "Learn to park fuck-tard" would also work.

How long before we can keep animals in the puppy/baby stage? I imagine a lot of people would love to have a baby bear at home.

Cue picture from Futurama with green blob parasite on people's heads.

Gore Vidal wrote a great essay on these books. It is available in his anthology United States. I highly recommend it.

I wouldn't want to join any organization that would zap my balls.

Does anyone know when this game is going to be released?

That actor is also in a really good, underrated Showtime series called Brotherhood.

It's what happened when the Magna Carta was stored in a damp place.

Indeed. And some people think a manual tranny is a Mexican shemale!

Who would Jesus let die of cancer?

Or to have hunks of Caesar's last dump in it!

The balance of the biomass is taken up by Newt Gingrich's ass.

How can any species be deemed native to Hawaii? Didn't they all come from elsewhere after the islands rose up?

True story. I was a kid back in the 70's and ate 2 packs of sour green apple "Now and Laters"

Need wife for putting meat on table. How many years has she?

What is she kissing? A big hairy nut sack?

Wow. Nebraska's current law has a mandatory arrest for one violation and no bond until a full hearing. It is much stronger.

Demi needs to get her shit together. In fact when problem comes along she must whip it.

"Navigation Data Shows Costa Concordia May Have Had a Steering System Failure" or an Italian at the helm.