
I’ve been riding and racing for 20 years and have seen experienced cyclists who ride over 10,000 miles a year fall over in that same manner. I think it is great that a man in his 70's is out there getting some exercise instead of sucking down Diet Cokes and lying about his weight while trying to end democracy.

Who’s stopping these “adults”, as in fully-grown people, from going to the bathroom?

Room for at least a few dozen Ukrainian refugees on board, surely?

His mother and father were siblings.

Yeah, that vid definitely looks safe.

Good point, things worked out just fine for Edsel!

Or you could just....I dunno, relax and not take it so seriously?

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

Thanks for clearing that up. I though he actually had super powers. 

Before anyone thinks of doing this, please consider:

Sounds like you’re upset your buddies are chickenshits who got chased out of town by some uppity colored folks. Where’s Matt Gaetz when you need him? He’d have stood up to those bullies from Philadelphia. If Ben Shapiro was there, he’d tower over the rowdy dozen and protect the fascists freedom to be fascist.

Seems to me that one group voiced their free speech rights, and another smaller group voiced theirs and the former ran from the latter.

riiiiiiight they weren’t like intentionally instigating people and carrying weapons

Where’s the violence? Did any of them get beaten with clubs or other weapons? Did anyone go to the hospital, or get killed? Did one drop of pure white blood get shed? Did any of them even lose their kid’s costume riot shields?

The “crowd” of less than a dozen people exposed them for the posers and cowards that they are.

If you keep clicking on links and replying to the posts, they will for sure change everything. Great plan.

It’s not 1983 any more. This car easily has another 100k miles left. As long as the chassis is solid, you can keep just about any car going indefinitely.

Try something not made in America. 100k miles is nothing.

you’re right. that’s a perfectly cromulent work truck. i’m biased against vehicles with raw materials strapped all over them driving in the middle lane. i’ll work on it.

Dude was not camping. Only 7 seconds pass between him passing the white truck and the BMW encroaching in his lane.

We don’t know if they were camping. When the clip starts they’re clearly passing the pickup truck appropriately.