
few years back i saw a jetta that was 100% rust. and ive got to say it looked AWESOME. no joke

if you put yourself in a position to be collected, even while following every single rules of the road, its still your fault. catastrophic brake failure or steering lockup are about the only things that can easily kill you thats 100% the cars fault.

compare to gif above

compare to gif below

yea lets not pursue this tech because it wont work perfect under shitty conditions

robots will be more useful when they can do exactly what a human can do. walk up stairs, use their hands, push with their legs, you name it. they should be able to help us do things, not just do things for us.

nuh uh

i love this

thats no moon...

so the test pipe on my s2000 is bad? my ears beg to differ!

honda s2000. duh.

show us the video

all of it is good. but the last 4 texts are solid gold!

good god what happened to your finger? get in a fight with a table saw?

-._O_.- WTF DUDE -._O_.-
