
His first wife, Marcia Lou Griffin, won the Academy Award for Best Editing for Star Wars. You can read about the shitshow the film would have been if she hadn’t put her foot down.

This was like Scalia claiming there was no constitutional right to privacy, but as soon as groups published his Blockbuster borrows, he nearly popped an artery.

Fucking hypocrites, one and all. A conservation accusation is a confession on their own part.

Not like Donny wants to do.

Look at that tub.  Does that look like a good time to you?

Someone’s read the play Cyrano de Bergerac.

Is it really more restful than simply driving?

No, they were terrible if you lived in the Northeast USA.

It’s when you go up the down one or down the up one.

So no requirement in Texas for a fire suppression system?

Which a lot of the videos portray.

The Subaru is an excellent choice and it’s as non-CVT as possible.

Beat me too. Sir Alex Issigonis’ design really holds up.

I find it funny that Tr*mp pointed the kid in EXACTLY the wrong direction. Idiot had no idea back then or now.

You mean the Central Park Five?  Where he took out a full page advert to justify his racist shit.

Where is Learning with Pibby?

Committee Chairman Don Mayhew agreed that the decision to allow riders who are older than 26 and can provide proof of health insurance to not wear a helmet is likely behind the increase in motorcycle deaths

So the Tesla owner was a dude named Karen?

Someone knows how a skunk works!

“Go get the butter.”

I think the butter & fist scene in Caligula is meant as an homage.