
Beat me too. Sir Alex Issigonis’ design really holds up.

I find it funny that Tr*mp pointed the kid in EXACTLY the wrong direction. Idiot had no idea back then or now.

You mean the Central Park Five?  Where he took out a full page advert to justify his racist shit.

Where is Learning with Pibby?

Committee Chairman Don Mayhew agreed that the decision to allow riders who are older than 26 and can provide proof of health insurance to not wear a helmet is likely behind the increase in motorcycle deaths

So the Tesla owner was a dude named Karen?

Someone knows how a skunk works!

“Go get the butter.”

I think the butter & fist scene in Caligula is meant as an homage.

Needs more butter and fists.

22 losers.

Anything from Cordwainer Smith’s Instrumentality of Mankind.

I thought another story mentioned (in passing) that the anti-Juggler virus was found at the top of the Blood Spire.


Stupid people are already calling a bridge collapse a false flag operation.

I’ll Pass.

Stupid people (sub-100 IQ assholes) are overwhelming our ability to keep society afloat.

1. The Russians.

Just like a mortgage.

(Comment deleted)

Don’t have a cow, Kate!