Joe Gannon

Leave out the sexy and switch it to "fortysomething" and you've got Merle.

And that makes it different from the pre-zombie apocalypse America … how?

Kayla, if you liked Lotte Verbeek playing an "pretend" witch, you'll be happy to know her next project is "The Last Witch Hunter," so you may get to see her play an actual witch this time.

I get that it was nice that it started raining, but if the only benefit they were going to get out of it was putting their faces up into it and opening their mouths to catch some, it’s not going to help them for long. They should have been attempting to save some of it somehow, perhaps making a funnel out of something

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. When they stab through and / or crush walker's heads so easily I alway figure, well, ya know, a lack of calcium (and just about everything else) in their diets has made all their bones weak and brittle, including their skulls. But Bob wasn't a walke (yet) and Tyrese seemed to slide

Terminus ….. terminal …. terminated.