White guilt makes you stupid.
White guilt makes you stupid.
I will be honest with you. Its garbage like this that makes me want to retreat and discuss nothing. You hate me because I’m white screw it. Why bother
Check out his Facebook page. His life is cringe-worthy.
And here’s his current Facebook profile pic:
-what it means to be #woke-
When you only hear one side of the story, that’s the side you tend to go with.
It is possible to both think the course name is stupid and the professor is a dick, and simultaneously think that a legislator, who is also a dick, should have no say in what classes a university offers.
Keep up the double standard people, its been working out great for us so far. And some, myself included, would argue that it is why we lost the election.
Like a disappointed parent but worse, Murphy told the Journal-Sentinel that he really, really didn’t want to have to go through all the courses on offer UW-Madison, but as the head of the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities he’s got one job and so he will do it. Don’t worry about STEM classes or anything…
Of course no one on this site has a problem with the dude’s tweets...
You have to be special kind of asshole to tweet about dead cops and be indifferent at best about it.
Yeah, the tweets about the Dallas cops are cringe worthy.
And then the kind of liberals who fancy themselves as the smartest people in the room wonder why a state like Wisconsin went to Trump. I’m not saying it is the main reason, or even a large reason, but in a close election, the kind of attitudes on display by people like this professor don’t help the cause.
I don’t normally agree with Republicans, but I’m inclined to here.
Yeah, I’m surprised more people haven’t commented that this guy seems pretty chill about cops getting murdered. I thought we all agreed that that’s bad, and the argument was more about whether cops should face consequences for killing unarmed black people.
Jesus Fucking Christ. This Professor is an an asshole and nothing close to even the most basic academic expectations, of tenure, of parents, of the public, or of the problem at hand.
Dumb course name and a sick asshole for a professor. Get your shit together, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
I will be honest with you. Its garbage like this that makes me want to retreat and discuss nothing. You hate me because I’m white screw it. Why bother