
Um, stipulation 7...

Too late, pre ordered two copies...

Simple, Disney devours Warner... you know it’s bound to happen

That’s not quite true; it is with the consumer, and the consumer adopting something outside their comfort zones. The Wii, as different from conventional gaming as it was, wasn’t anything outside a person’s comfort zone, particularly when you kept things stupidly simple (most movements done for Wii games required next

And it’s not as if there isn’t innovation, the problem is getting consumers to follow innovation. Most consumers won’t take to innovation if it takes them out of their comfort zone.

That is not what I read; sounded more like Nintendo misses out on Zelda profits this year, so they release Amiibos to offset loss.

Classic East coast styles for fighting games prohibited throwing (Especially in Street Fighter games), particularly since they were more combo-centric (west coast had the tick to throws). I knew a lot of people who would scream about taunting with Q in Street Fighter 3 3S, and there’s the ever so classic triple hyper

I don’t even play it (won’t be playing any current gen fighting games until I can get a cheaper but decent arcade stick for either XB1 or PS4) and it’s pretty apparent from the other characters I’ve seen she’s easily punished for spamming that. I’m guessing you can just do a upward jump for when they do the rocket

Waiting for Mace Windu and STILL waiting for Frozone to complete my BMF troupe...

Nevarmind me, orSKAsm already pointed it out...

Actually, no, Heath Ledger didn’t look like the Joker, he looked like a hobo with too much sunscreen and overly cheap hair dye (and the internet stated as much). It wasn’t until we actually saw him act as [a version of] the Joker that the internet decided he was adequate.

Yeah, I know, I was just trying to preemptively head off the potential claims that the FDA is using antiquated definitions of what can be considered healthy (which the FDA is not, unfortunately Jezebel in the past had been quite virulent in passing misinformation on how health and nutrition supposedly now works, and

Yes, critical thinking skills...
They said they can’t be considered healthy, they didn’t say they were unhealthy; there is a difference. For it to be healthy, it has to add a significant health benefit other than fulfilling appetite, such as have a negative caloric gain, like shelled sunflower seeds or celery, or

Eh, I wouldn't blame feminism; if anything they would rather not have bare breasts sexualized (and quite frankly, having bare breasts being associated with violence would go a good ways to reducing their sexuality). blame old school conservative beliefs in prudence (the kind of prudence that kept TV shows from having


Actually, men tend to do it by voicing opinions that appeal to the lowest common denominator. For instance, unfair advantage women have by showing bewbs. It's rather easy to build a rallying cry behind something other guys can't experience, make the 'realize' how disenfranchised they are, and build a cult following

It's actually usually difficult for us to maintain small talk, which makes up the vast majority of casual interaction. It tends to annoys us to have to talk about insubstantial things, and it really annoys us when people demand rapid and/or constant dialogue over such subjects; things we're passionate about we can go

Feh, I try to refrain from as little human interaction as possible with everyone including my family and even instant messaging on my computer. I refuse to own a cellphone, but would rather talk to someone face to face than text or even on the phone

I think that was the youth of 2002 that said that...