Yep, definitely some curves in the game...
Yep, definitely some curves in the game...
Lou Diamond Phillips does...
I had the same problem, it's because the info on your console doesn't match records apparently. I actually fixed it when I got my XBox One and put my account info into it. You may have to call Microsoft to have it permenantly fixed.
I think the difference is not too many people will actually become sexually stimulated from the sight of a condom...
Would you pay 5 bucks to go see a movie?
They shoulda knew something was up when the contractors were strutting around like they were the cock of the walk.
Because Batman has a whole phonebook of villains to deal with even after the Joker in the Arkham Games. Even with Joker dead, Batman still has a fuckton to deal with, and every villain in the rogues gallery is after the city and him with the power void the Joker left. In Arkham City it was made a point that Joker also…
I'm pretty sure the Joker's dead, and DC is sincerely insistent on that; unfortunately it's going to be REALLY hard for fans to believe that, even after the game ends. Watch theories show up about Joker being behind it all along a la the 'indoctrination theory' of mass Effect 3. Their insistence is just making it…
His real name isn't Lawrence, it's Lawton, Floyd Lawton
If I did that, then my cover would have been blown...
One year when I was in Los Angeles for the E3, I went to this Japanese restaurant where one of the waiters complimented me on how well I used my chopsticks. At the time I just thought it was a really weird thing to compliment someone on, I guess I know why now...
I'm going to presume that this is a rather busy restaurant, and that table was already reserved. Anyone coming in to an establishment with that attitude also stands to ruin the experience for other patrons. Thus, it would be best to get them out as fast as possible without creating more of a scene than they already…
There's actually a reason for it, though; grunts work to both increase the exertion of the swing, as well as hide the sound of the strike (spins sound different off of a racket than power shots).
And that's part of the problem. They include fewer women, then they bother with fewer body types. Take Virtua Fighter 5, for instance. Each woman in that game has a completely different body type from muscular to svelte. Look at a game like Gears of War 3, and the two women in it have exactly the same body frame,…
Nope, his point is precisely that why should we worry about women when men suffer too? That is a derailment from the topic at hand, a classical one, at that. In fact, this is a point that is made as complimentary to the fact how men are portrayed in more popular games by even feminists; this isn't a conflicting one.…
Yeah, this is a peculiar thing, but I don't think it's so much to do with them being inherently sexual (though their traditional outfits do not help matters), but our conditioned perception. I mean, how often do guys cross-reference a woman's grunts of pain with pleasure? Have you seen porn where it seems like the guy…
Let's try to get this back on track, eh? For the record Evan often talks about this, and this is specifically about women, not men; no need to bring up 'but...but.. menz!!!', especially when you see more diversity in bodyshape with men in games by far than women.
Marble Ruins says hi...
Too many mutie freaks around here. Where's Bolivar Trask when you need him?