
Considering this game had been three years in development on the XBox 360, before suddenly being bumped to the XB1, and then when it was being touted to have complete Kinect control, it's gimped to controller with slight Kinect controls, it doesn't surprise me that the kinect controls would be off. Same with the

For her next stunt, she shall attempt to outrun a komodo dragon while wearing a Japanese bar hostess outfit, complete with high heels, while American horror movie music plays in the background to ensure she trips and falls at some point...

Yeah, I noticed that a lot, but I was trying to at least be fair minded about the supposed plights MRAs bring up. Though, in the post I made just a few moments ago, I did highlight the ill devised rivalry against feminism for getting any actual progress on gender equality. Heck, I'll be fair to state I mostly avoid

"Feminism never speaks up on the issues you mentioned"

Well, the MRA aren't so much for equal rights than they are their own defense of privilege. Where feminism argues that both equal privilege and penalties should be given in both sexes, MRA argues that men have inherent privileges that shouldn't be withheld, and have indeed been reduced by feminism. MRA supports an

If you want to go that route, then we are no longer talking about rape, and instead you're broaching child sexual abuse. Then at which it will be decided by the court who incurred the most damages in the situation (the legal guardians of both children would be held accountable). For instance, if the girl ends up

To which I insinuated was a non-issue, as rape laws tend to identify an obvious aggressor and an obvious victim. If both being under age, then neither would be the rapist on merit of being under age. If one coerced or took advantage of in the capacity that the victim was not able to soundly give consent, while both

Yes, it is rape. The adult is the rapist. Then there is no statutory rape if both are under age, though the parents could potentially seek legal routes on behalf of minor under their guardianship depending on the local laws; in that regard, no one is automatically considered the rapist. Both being female is a

And that's why you counter-sue for damages including lawyer fees. Hell, even if you claim you've sent it to your lawyer to review (and you didn't have one), I would bet they would backpedal faster than Lance Armstrong doped up on a bike facing a rapid lava flow.

But that's just silly, why would the sun wear capris?

Capris, are't those those 6 oz packs of juice we use to rot childrens' teeth out?

I think you're confused, sir. You're talking about the game with the robots who punch each other's heads off. I don't even think that's considered a sport...

I'm American and I don't watch football either. I mean it gets boring watching guys in shorts kicking a ball around for an hour and no one scores any points...

No worries, most of us figured it was a cultural barrier that created a misunderstanding.

It's pretty apparent it was meant tongue in cheek. I can understand why Classified may have missed it due to cultural barriers, though...

It's a South Park reference, so no you are not the only one...

It's also ironic that Sony Vaio's often use Windows as their OSes... well, no it actually isn't.

Achilles wasn't a bad teacher, per say, because it was more Conner's rigid outlook on life that made it difficult to steer him from the path of vengeance. Achilles warns Conner several times that he may not have the full picture, and the choice he would have to make has to be divorced from his personal feelings.

I think it's more of the fact that their own personal fights aligned with their creeds at different times. Ezio's Vendetta against the Borgios was right in line with the Creed, since they were working with the Templars. On the other hand, Conner's devotion to the creed stayed somewhat ambiguous regardless of Achille's