
to add to what Instantdeath said, I actually prefer Conner to Ezio. Ezio quite simply was a serious Mary Sue who could do no wrong that's accountable to him. His 'failures' could all be written off to circumstance rather than a personal failing. On the other hand, Altiar had his arrogance be his downfall at the very

I'm guessing four in Chinese is pronounced the same way it is in Japanese ('shi', which is also one of the Japanese words for 'death'). The Japanese often replace 'shi' with 'yon' to avoid even saying it. Also, there are very few hotels with a fourth floor in Japan.

Are you a god?

It's not exactly a buzzword when many gamers freaking embody the word in such spectacular fashion. no matter how much you dislike the word, it's profoundly true.

You mean kinda like what's happening with the PS4 right now? Actually, they did talk about what was bad, they did it up front, and then tried to talk about what benefits would come from it, and the shit storm made of the feces of gamers hit them so hard it warped facts and ensured whatever Microsoft said would be

Actually, Cracked put the situation best (… #3). You have the engineers, and you have Marketing. They don't play well together... ever. They have totally different ways of approaching the situation, and it's almost as if they are incapable of compromise. What the engineers of the

Actually, one of them did try to innovate, and the bitchfest that ensued...

It didn't become wide spread because damage control for it was started early (at launch, in fact). The problem with the RRoD was that it took a while for it to hit, and by the time it hit, it was a big mess. But make no mistake, Sony products in general during the 90's and early 2000s were consistently low quality

How about a PS2 that devoured game disks, causing Sony to disavow saying that the indeed had made the PS2 capable of standing on end (even pulling the stand that they had been ready to officially launch with the PS2 to allow it to stand on side more stable), and not honoring warranties for destroyed games and/or

I actually thought his fight was fun, because it was frustrating. I was actually rather pissed when Deathstroke showed up as the first full villain to fight against, but got gleeful when he destroyed me three times in a row before I even took down half of his energy bar. I actually made me think about what I was doing

Well, not exactly the same...

Well, then we'll let Batman provide a response to your opinion...

Unless Night Owl has had sex on piles of money while watching people immolate,

I have all the answers, because I am Batman...

They're re-releasing AC: Liberation for consoles

I loved the atmosphere, the story and even most of the characters more in AC3 than I have the rest of the series. My only superbitch gripe is that the hit boxes were HORRIBLE. I could be a full two character widths away and I'll still end up climbing a ladder when trying to be stealthy. I ended up just giving up on

Actually, that suit is definitely lower tech. Look at it this way. It's bulky, which would slow him down and become impeding. The suit in his later years is more lightweight but provides the same level of protection.

Don't let the genre lie to you, they are NOTHING like Texas BBQ places ;p

That's what I was thinking, though it could be the new 'martial artist' thug of Black Mask's crew that is supposed to be able to counter counters. But considering they just gave her more than a tiny bit of focus,I'm guessing that is Lady Shiva, which would make me so happy!

Now playing

there's the intro video for Copperhead. he's interrogating a thug and his calm and controlled Batman voice genuinely sounds like a young Keven Conroy Batman. his aggravated voice sounds closer to Christian Bale's Batman voice, but nowhere near as forced. All in All, he does sound like a Batman 10 years younger than