As Psyborg said, your formative years of learning language decide your speech patterns. Your mouth and tongue become trained to work pronunciation in certain manners, and it takes a conscious effort of several to undo it. Interesting to note that people who spent a lot of their childhood moving to different countries…
When it was announced back at E3, the free-games-for-paid-subscribers deal called Games With Gold was supposed to last only until the Xbox One's launch. Well, now it is officially continued as an "ongoing benefit."
Also: person gets comment thrown back in their face, suddenly "lol J/K bro!"
Well, Batman didn't actively hunt the small time criminals in Arkham City since they were actually incarcerated in Arkham City, so he still wouldn't have had a reason to go into those buildings. The only ones he needed to find were Riddler's men, and he didn't even seem particularly concerned about going out of his…
The first part of your response doesn't make much sense. Why shouldn't we learn to accept something new? Seriously, nothing should stay stagnant; if there was no evolution of anything, we would be playing pong on a stand alone console, still.
Truthfully, I agree, but that's because it's simply Sturgeon's law at play (90% of [everything] is crap). It takes someone brave enough to go beyond the status quo to get something new, and for that to happen it takes people willing to try it. Flat out dismissing things before they came to fruition is the problem, and…
It's almost like there's an irrational fear that they're losing the hobby they like to 'filthy casuals', because only 'filthy casuals' play motion controls. There's almost like some misplaced belief that money allotted to the development of motion games are directed from games they would rather make, which is a…
No, because my mother's dead. I'm also a grown man so she wouldn't care much unless I spoke to her like that (I definitely don't speak to my father like that and I'm in my mid 30's)...
Quite frankly, I wouldn't know if you're inept with it or not without evidence, huh? So you're attempt to defend your capacity is rather flat. And since you're in the habit of exclaiming your opinion as fact, I think I can take what you say with a grain of salt, especially on this here internet. I have a friend that's…
Oh, it's the "as a gamer" argument. You want to talk gamer cred, fine...
I live in a small studio apartment with a bed in the 'living room' and my apartment stays perpetually dark (I'm somewhat light sensitive), and I have plenty of room with the 6-8 feet I have between my bed and TV (if you sit closer to your TV, then you either have a really small TV or you're sitting way too damn close,…
Why the fuck not? I WANT a lot of games for the Kinect, I want a huge fucking selection of games that are from moderate to high quality. I want developers to freaking TRY to come up with new play mechanics for the Kinect, and I really, REALLY don't understand why there are you people that have such a had on for this…
That they do. Though, to be fair they also try their damndest to get away and not bother you unless they get cornered, and then they bite. Also the necrosis that can occur from their bite is actually pretty rare, but still something to get looked at just in case (then necrosis can spread indefinitely, depending on the…
I'm not sure if I read your statement wrong, or if you read those books wrong. Insulin doesn't encourage fat storage in the least, it's the lack of receptiveness of insulin that encourages fat storage, and that's because the insulin receptors are not responding to them properly (usually due to impediments like the…
Not really, when you turn your head on the x axis, your agnist muscles in the neck are actually on the same side of the direction you want to look, so it's natural to look in the direction you are turning along the x axis, while the y axis the muscle to look up is n the back of your head, while the down muscle is in…
Meh, I think we can do better than that...
Hey, I'm American and I lost my shit over the Diamond Jubilee... of course that had more to do with Grace Jones singing "Slave to the Rhythm" while hula hooping through out the whole damn song (okay, it had EVERYTHING to do with Grace Jones singing "Slave to the Rhythm" while hula hooping through out the whole damn…
Look here, you nasty pervert horndogs. Ken Levine has seen all that porn people are making out of Elizabeth, from BioShock Infinite, and he wants you to know That's Not Cool. "It's like coming across a picture of your daughter," he says.