
Because too many won't pay for something else when it comes to purchasing games. And besides which, we know that's not completely true, considering what Naughty Dawg has been doing. It also doesn't have to be revolutionary, just evolutionary, they can still keep all the FPSnes of it, just start evolving the theme of

Truthfully, it seems like it's hitting all of Gawker. I'm seeing some of my favorite writers posting articles that have been near a complete about turn on principles they've stood by forever, or just outright giving mixed messages on the overall stance. I would chalk it up to diverse opinions on each site running

Yeah, don't really care what you want in your game, especially since you're already getting it. If you were a games art director, you would be free to do with your game what your publisher and producer will allow you to do, and whether out the success and failures of upholding the status quo; though to be fair, you

I expect them to try and actually move away from tropes, yes. Success comes after trial and error, not adhering to the status quo.

Question is, why would you need to see it? If seeing it requires unrealistically altering an outfit in such a gauche way that it is argued that they may as well only use men, why would you need or care to visually identify them as women? Soldiers can tell pretty well who the men and women are on the field, Halo has

Dunno, different skill sets, possibly higher gains from health packs (women respond to endorphin better than men, thus med kits with pain reducers could show a slightly higher benefit). They could have higher focus (studies on female fighter pilots have shown they on average track more targets at once than males do).

Lo, and now there's even a link on Kotaku of Steven Colbert explaining the situations rather succintly...

No, they have not actually offered to negotiate. They pretend to want to negotiate, and then stonewall any actual dialogue, and they've done it every single time there was a 'negotiation'. Plus, negotiations means a discussing to a mutual goal, not "here's our demands, take it or watch the government fall", and they


That's the thing, you have to presume heavily on the capabilities of the Kinect, more appropriately, the capabilities of Microsoft backing that much data and video to be sent to advertising agencies for them to review, even as a voluntary program. They already stated all it does is track someone's eyes to see if they

Uh, the problem with your Valve example is they actually employed a psychologist to figure out how to manipulate the hell out of people, and were very successful considering Steam sales where people will throw money at them for games they won't even get around to playing, essentially giving them money for free. EA

Ah, no insults from me, just speculation, just as you're doing, right? Perhaps you should work on actually defending your point, rather than regress to defensive tactics, much like someone would if they don't have a valid point? Of course, you'll probably pretend to dismiss this, yet you'll probably still read it.

Actually, you may be surprised how much better DoA5's play mechanics had become, especially since they got hand from AM2 to revise it. And this is coming from an avid VF5 player (Vanessa and Aoi are my mains).

Well, to be fair, you haven't shown much of a capacity critical thinking that would differentiate you from 'most people', seeing as how you're still willing to adhere to and highly improbable off-based assumptions. Then again, from this more recent comment, I can also speculate you are one of the remarkably paranoid

I think you underestimate the noise cancellation software that's available nowadays, and I also think you're presuming the inability of your phone to pick up sounds even with a muffled mic (unless you have a phone made prior to 2009). And by your logic, then you really have nothing to fear from the Kinect 2, now do

This is seriously the sad truth. American Methodist and Baptists actually developed the mentality of "God Helps those who help themselves) because of the necessary work ethic it took to survive the western expansion in the 17 and 1800s (particularly during the American Great Enlightenment). Now that it's stuck in the

You think it being in your pocket will protect you?

So, one year later becomes Batgirl, is Batgirl for two years, gets shot, gets about two years to set up as Oracle is difficult to conceive? Keep in mind you are dealing with comic book character development, here :p

They already have a DLC coming of Bruce Wayne training to become Batman, so an origin DLC of Barbara becoming Batgirl wouldn't be unfeasible...

Origins takes place years before Arkham Asylum, so there is a good window for her to have either an extensive of brief stint as Batgirl. Presuming that she never became Batgirl is like presuming Nightwing never was Robin. Seeing as how this is her first meeting with Batman, this more likely means that this is when she