
Not including the CD lens and controller port issues with the PS1. There's also the vertical stand issue with the PS2 that Sony touted before the release of the PS2 and even made a stand for, and then immediately revoked the warranty of the PS2 if anyone stood theirs vertically because the earlier models of the PS2

Except for when it comes to warranty practices...

My personal favorite is when Sony immediately invalidated anyone's warranty if they stood their PS2 on end, as they touted so passionately as a selling point for it

Here's a crazy idea, just bear with me...

Also Deadpool's rivalry with Magneto in Marvel vs Capcom 3

Hey, remember when Sony touted the PS2's ability to stand on end, going as far as to make an official PS2 stand, then upon launch told everyone it would invalidate the warranty if they did so? Remember when Sony quietly removed backwards compatibility and said it wasn't missed because fans didn't really want it, and

And there are a LOT of assholes out there. Look at Mark Miller and Todd McFarline, who pretty much said that comic books aren't for women. This is a very common attitude that, while changing, there are those that are obstinant about keeping the status quo.

Um, the thing is, they don't; it's guys that act like game/geek girls are a rare species. Women make up reletively half of the gaming population, though guys still have a hard time believing it, or even play it down by saying they play only things like Candy Crush or Farmville (completely missing the point that if

$50,000,000 makes some officers turn to Batman assassination as a hobby; it wasn't ever like Gotham had a very clean police department after all...

Na, just sounds like you're kinda bad at keeping rhythm :p

Yeah, you may want to go check out the incident with Kane and Lynch that got Jeff Gerstman fired from Gamespot...

Na, the crazy part is when the disembodied voice tells me to 'burn them, burn them all' after I'm told I'm attractive. I sincerely think it's just overreacting and that I should just drown them in the nearest shallow body of water...

Believe it or not... yes, yes you can. Problem with hearing it is you can almost hear the underlying "I'm not sure how serious I can take you" insinuation when you're trying to be professional

fact about business; if their decisions find them a lucrative market, then yes, they were right. If their decisions fail to build a market, then hindsight's always 20/20

Someone with a degree in kinesiology specializing in athletic performance that helps train and design training regimes for MMA fighters and power lifters.

Actually, I wouldn't say developers really got used to the Kinect. Most of them only figured out how to make 'Simon says" games with it, rather than explore the greater potential behind it. Child of Eden delved into a lot of ideas, The Marvel Super Heroes fighting game started on the right track of a lot of trial and

Na, I'll keep venturing into the comments section, since I usually don't have any qualms here, disregarding the few asshats whose sole intent is to garner the attention that daddy never gave them.

My big gripe with that song was just Pharrell, his vocal style is NOT working for that song. They should have gotten someone like Jay Kay from Jamiroquai for the vocals for it to mesh better.

I'm actually just hoping for some semblance of coherence, and less drunken diatribe. Guess even that is too much to ask of some. Maybe you should lay off the Canadian Mist a bit?