
Then you may want to remember commas; they make the difference between "no Predators have this thing called 'honor'" and "no, Predators have this thing called 'honor'"...

Predators don't have honor? Someone never saw Predator 2...

Yeah, and it's not the dealing with people that's the problem, it's dealing with the assholes that look for any possible way to make others inferior to themselves. These people don't want 'peers' and only allow that notion with grudging acknowledgement. It also shows the value of the other person's opinion if they

You can be courteous while being frank, though. Being constructive with criticism is better than being destructive. Even if they suck, there's no reason whatsoever to tear them down other than fueling the critic's own ego.

Gamefaqs, because otherwise in Resident Evil 5 that fucking emblem hidden in the post on the other side of the fucking ship that you can't see really even with a sniper scope and pretty much takes a rocket launcher and a Hail Mary to hit it will haunt your ass FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE if you don't find it...

"Last of Us" suffers from the exact same camera fixing issue and environmental perspective limiting (breaks in the environment that keep you from seeing distance wise in any direction but the one they're herding you down) that "Uncharted" does, so you would be right there as well.

Keep in mind they are keeping extremely tight lipped about the other online modes...

Hunkering down would most likely make it REALLY easy for the heroes to take you out. A smoke bomb right into the middle of them, and you could do some serious damage. Plus, I would imagine the levels are designed with very few, if any, safe spots. Since the villians do not have the perspective of the heroes, they

Based on skin color, you're right, but there is a history of the reason for that discrimination; lighter slaves were usually used as house servants, while darker slaves were primarily for field work. Also, the lightness of the skin could be a sign of mixed ethnicity. This is a prejudice that still carries over today,

You do realize that there are blacks who are racist towards lighter blacks, and vice versa, right? Or how about Native Americans who are racist against non full blood Native Americans? Hell, many are still racist against 'mulattos' (black and white mixed); many supremist groups consider them dirtier than the ethnic

The argument "what he meant wasn't what he said so it's okay" never stands. Even if he honestly didn't mean it to be racist, it is how it came out, in front of a panel at a conference that had Japanese developers there. Read his comment, and then look at the very definition of cultural racism from the American

I don't think you can dismiss "your games just suck" as anything but derogatory. And just because many may agree with him does not make the comment okay! It doesn't matter if Blow or even half the Japanese population back him up, he flat out fucked up with that comment, and even he admitted it (though Fish still

Japanese is an ethnicity in itself, especially with it being an island country that developed it's own very distinct culture.

No, I'm very much willing to, problem is responding to your last post would practically require a thesis to address, even so far as going into my school database for peer reviewed journals. I'm not trying to be dismissive (well, yes I was, I apologize for my frustration), that's why I suggested talking the subject

And the term 'racism' is a misnomer anyhow, as it applies to race, culture, and ethnicity; this is what I'm referring to:

Yeah, there's nothing more to discuss here. I sincerely suggest you take a course in sociology, particularly one in social dilemmas. You just attempted what I told you, and mangle it with your comprehension of the subject. To which, is the very problem with modern racism and bigotry in both overt and covert. It's not

You're trying to rationalize his commentary. While not directly stating the Japanese culture as a whole sucks, he inferred it, and racism isn't always overt. Racism is a belief in superiority, and he demonstrated that regarding his field. He said "You're games just suck", not even as an opinion, but as a factual

Japanese is an ethnicity, with its own culture and heritage. That culture and heritage influences Japanese gaming design and development process— which should be incredibly obvious as he can even specify a difference between Japanese and Western gaming— and he specified Japanese game development sucked. Yes, he DID