
In truth, this series had a lot of I typically dislike (three, for the first game); I'm not a sci-fi fan (I always prefer the concept of maximizing natural human potential, rather than augmented human ability), I'm not a fan of shooters, and I HATE managing inventory (especially as extensively as you did in the first

We'll respect their opposing views when they finally respect the fact we don't want to see them saturate every Mass Effect 3 post with them. Seriously, they're like the persistent Jehovah Witness neighbors next door that know you're agnostic!

Yeah, Kasumi has more than a little kink to her. I caught her going through the underwear drawer of my Femshep...

Heh, I know, Mordin wasn't exactly my favorite character, but I listened to it repeatedly for a good 30 minutes

If you think that's awesome, you will eventually find something in your apartment by your bed that...*

Uh, yeah, that's what I said :p

Yeah, I would respect their opinions more, actually I respect the opinions of those who still don't like the ending, but only those who aren't obnoxious about reminding us how much they disliked the ending every ME3 thread that happens in any forum. Eventually, being nice wears thin, and patience runs out. Fortunately

You know why the vulgarity? Because we're tired of hearing it from you guys. A year, a Goddamn year. We HAVE been nice about it, at first we even explained our stances, then we just told you guys we should agree to disagree, then we tried ignoring you. But you know what? YOU GUYS WON'T LET IT GO! Since everything else

The problem is, not everyone agrees.

Heh, I tend to find the lower tier characters fun to play, myself. The only exception really was Makoto during SF3 3i

well, Dan is definitely ass teir, while Hakan is more like "inner rectum" teir...

Even if I'm being whiny, I haven't carried a particular bitch fest for almost a damn year. You don't want the DLC, fine. You got rid of the game that they were consistently releasing DLC for, most of it free DLC, fine, but stop trying to fucking make anyone care for the butthurt you personally experience for a

Interestingly enough, the swastika was a very popular symbol prior to the Nazis as a symbol of fortune, health, and good luck (in fact, the symbol even predates the Egyptian Ankh). It's much like the Nazi salute, which was originally an American salute school children used when in the Pledge of Allegiance (which was

Your post was specifically designed to completely validate her, wasn't it?

no, let them do it to themselves, they want to retain their myopic and whiny perspective, that's totally fine. I just wish they would stop bitching where we'll stumble upon it to see it in some trollish hopes to piss in everyone's pool. Granted, I can ignore them, but when I keep stumbling on them, and from the same

Yeah, stop. I even recognize your name from this exact same whining. At this point, NOBODY CARES, not even those who agree with you. You're not beating a dead horse, you're churning the remains into a frothy, pink paste substance

In this case, it's the fact that he's calling out someone for grouping others into a category of unwarranted bitching, while voicing the opinion that is readily presumed by Mass Effect detractors as shared by everyone anyhow...

You won't even see the irony of your comment...

Well, that's okay, I'm interested, and seems like many people are. So, well, more power to you?

I would agree, if not for the declining interest in sex part