
Well, dunno about Wally World, but at least at my Target working Black Friday (starting 9 PM Thursday night) was voluntary with an extra $2/hr over time and a half

Well, that sounds more like an issue with your job in general then the general unfairness of working a holiday, does it not? And that you've worked there 14 years (well before the current economic downturn) says a lot about your and your co-workers' willingness to tolerate it. I'm going to presume the pay's pretty

First of all, not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving, or require themselves to be around family the whole day (most people eat Thanksgiving Dinner reletively early during the day, after all). Second, you tend to get holiday pay on Thanksgiving. Many people jump at the chance to make that time and a half. Hell, at my

"And they were all disappointed in the final boss 'fight.'" Um, you weren't speaking for your self, actually. Just say'n...

To be fair, many of the first Dead Rising's time limit issues were not so much the time limit, but finding out it had a time limit only after it expired :|

I would imagine it would actually have to be pretty hot to give off enough light for us to detect it. Without a star we can detect it being in orbit of, there would be no way we could currently find it. Thus, why it was so hard for us to confirm any other free floating planet (not even brown dwarfs give off enough

This list is destined to fail with everyone commenting on this because everyone's an asshole!

I wish I had, then I wouldn't have picked up Ninja Gaiden 3

"I'm in the mood for some chicken."

I see a playstation controller, but I don't see the Saturn controller :|

True, but at the risk of spoiling this, Batman had gone in there to supposedly kill her, since her powers posed such a high risk to reality itself because of what would happen when she dies. She was only a few moments from dying as it was, and Batman instead, sat with her and held her hand until she died. This was the

This is the true embodiment of Batman! So screw you Frank Miller and your asshole Ultimates version!

You really probably should reconsider your like for the guy with the dog, he's kinda a dick...

Actually, I had no problem with Arkham City's rooftop running, and the grappling gun was actually almost too easy to use when you figured out the parameters of where it could be used (especially after you got the grapple boost).

The problem is they assigned too much to too few commands, and then broadened the contextual parameters on an over ambitious rooftop structure. Basically, they did too much with a few button commands, while making the area for the freerunning too detailed; it's like trying to drive a tank along a pencil thin line.

Actually, he was pretty damn dangerous...

This Chun Li definitely has boobs...

Unless it's voiced by Tara Strong, I'll pass...


Regardless if they charge you or not, they have your credit card info.