My GOD, #1 and #8!!!
My GOD, #1 and #8!!!
Actually, every British colony BUT the American Colonies were paying taxes for decades; this wasn't something that 'just started'. The American Colonies pulled the British Army into the French and Indian war due to the fact that they violated the decree that they were not to spread beyond the Catskill mountains into…
yeah, school lunches, where pizza is [not kidding] being considered a vegetable in many areas...
Not sure, it doesn't look like either of them are really epic mounts...
Well, it's already killed 65 people, maybe this gif should be of Akuma or Evil Ryu instead?
Or you can be put through two semesters at a decent university, or a full two years in a community college in state. You were one of those guys who decided to get a liberal studies degree out of your home state, weren't you?
No thanks, I know what I'm waiting for...
I heard she now actually wants to be surrounded by death and despair...
That's the thing, I don't think most people are advocating drone attacks, and even more actually want them (including this current administration, which is carrying them out). I think the biggest problem is understanding when you're damned when you do, damned when you don't. We hold responsibility for utterly…
Because your avatar is Woody dillying some anime doll...
Okay, now I'm too terrified to talk to anyone in public (especially coffee shops), ever...
Damn you! I went to the Rule 34 site out of curiosity to see if they had Silent Hill porn and the first thing was Pyramid Head with that double legged mannequin thingie and I'll never be able to sleep again!
Image of Dee Dee cosplay...
Man, I really, REALLY am interested in this game. The more I see it, the more I'm ready to go prereserve it... just like the first Bioshock. I absolutely love the themes in these games, BUT WHY MUST THEY BE FIRST PERSON?!? >.<
You might need to rediscover your moral compass if you even had to ask that question -_-
Har. I know, I cheated...
A lot of Wholefoods shoppers would challenge that presumption...
Well, what good is having the greatest man in the universe when coitus could end with her a mangled corpse? So, yeah, I'm pretty sure it would suck :p