
Nope, hipster gaming, like any other type of hipster, is being an elitist with their hobby, and of course saying no one else would understand it. Indie games that no one ever heard of is not hipster in itself, it's saying that indie games that you never heard of and insinuating that they have no business bothering

It's amusing how defensive some people here got, "An outsider judging our games? BLASPHEMY!!!"

Anon is not a single, secular group, so there is no such thing as an 'anon knockoff'. Thus, why Anon can have contrasting and contradicting perspectives and opinions, and why they can be both giant asshats and phenomenal saints.

No one really needs a plastic serving spoon machete.

Yeah, my sister was going to that school for her Psychology PhD; specializing in child psychology,and all ironies... rape. Very small minority population, lots of sexism, and even the faculty members often are less than morally stellar. Not even the problems mentioned by janjanjan, when a school is named by the KKK as

I'll tell you a more appropriate context, next time you're at your a job, say out loud that you sexually abused a 14 year old...

Actually, they do tend to hand out punishment for those, you have to have evidence of it first. But, seeing as how most of the CoD crowd aren't paid for their gaming, they are rather inconsequential. Maybe you should think about what you're going to say before your fingers hit your keyboard, hmm?

methinks you did not put much thought into this...

Guy, if you have difficulty passing immidiate situations with just the press of a button, you are soooooooooooooooooo fucked :p

I don't think myheart particularly means 'legitimate' per se, but to answer your question society sets the boundaries on human behavior. Murder is a 'legitimate' action committed upon one another in the heat of the moment, but society does not condone it, and punishes it appropriately. Human (or more aptly,

How about being one of the few players that consistently defeated Nintendo's Tetris Assassins (professional Tetris players), and could max score the game just about every time? Seriously, I played the SHIT outta Tetris, and maxing the score on that game is a frigg'n accomplishment.

As long as it's not playing her in Tetris...

You said they were never in combat, you didn't specify they weren't directly in front line, and it's arguable they were in front line with the Elcor forces. Besides which, there is nothing in the lore that said they didn't fight as mercenaries, only that their suits are pressurized, and that punctures could be very

Volus PAID Turians to protect them, yes, but Volus have their own Dreadnaughts, they serve in the Turian military as auxiliary units, and they even team up with Elcore ground forces to man the guns they port. So very much yes, the Volus did fight. You didn't actually read much of the lore, did you?

But you just did!!!

He may be talking about Kotaku's official review when they said you shouldn't buy RE6 because it was a "bloated mess"...

No, Ninja Gaiden 3 failed because they oversimplified the game to a point where you could literally move the joystick around and mash X to win (though occasionally spamming nimpo when the meter was full came in handy, too). RE6, on the other hand, actually improved the controls over RE5 without sacrificing the

And you have everything you're bitching about in RE6...

I've actually come to the theory that the 'horror' most people are looking for in the RE series is not so much simply horror but cheap scares. RE6 definitely has the horror aspects in it.

Um, you mean like Resident Evil 6 on Veteran or Professional Mode (particularly Leon's campaign)? Seriously, some of the shit they put you through (the waves of zombies in one campaign, the relentless and undying pursuit in another campaign, and the impotency and frustration from the characters in the third campaign)