
Ada Wong's scene was extremely gratifying...

It's only downhill if you're playing RE6 solely for the terror inducement. The game is solid on the other two campaigns, with a couple of moments (like in Chris's campaign with the giant {SPOILER} you're chasing down. Chris's scenario plays much like Stranglehold, while Jake's is very hand to hand intensive.

Hell, if you're looking for people to play with, hit me up on LIVE if you have it (WFROSE).

I think the controls just take a LOT of getting used to, since they are counter-intuitive to just about every other TPS you've played. it took me quite a bit to get over my RE5 hiccups, and start looking at it more like Stranglehold (though now you have to actually hit a button to pop in and out of cover, instead of

Um, yeah, sure...

Yup, and I'm all for it, since it will actually galvanize people into voting. For the democrats, it's a serious hit to their apathy and their presumption that Obama will easily win a second term, and ensure more hit the polls.

Some people are just bitter because they're finding all the vitriol they've spent trying to get other people to hate the game isn't working. They know EA is not hurting from their outrage because of their 'betrayals' due to the game endings, so they're being passive aggressive about it.

yeah, those sexy collectors about expose all! And did you see the penetration 30 seconds in? Rwowr!

Feh, at N7 level 1100, I have just about every character but two unlocked (save slayer and male Quarian Infiltrator). I just ensure to mine the hell out of silver, and pretty much only buy premium spector packs. This is even including a dry spell I hit for over a month after getting the second multiplayer pack. Unless

I know what you mean. I just bought four games in the last three weeks, with Assassin's Creed III coming at the end of this month, and NiGHTs launching on LIVE sometime soon...

Well, they did try a less Federalist attempt at a nation, backed by the Articles of Confederation, the US about fell apart due to lack of regulation between states for taxes, trade, and legal tender. You're probably referring more to Hamilton's decision to artificially create a deficit and national bank, which in

Loved that mocumentary. I actually popped in to suggest it, myself.

I would just like to point out that pig thing is the most apt metaphor for social conservative against women's rights. Seriously, it's killing sequence is pretty damn... well...

Because it tastes like strawberry lemonade sweetened with honey

maybe you should read this...

Kinda forgetting that what's usually media displayed is the male ideal, not the female ideal...

Now you're extrapolating an argument. It isn't okay to call ANYONE a thug, nor would it be okay to call a guy a slut or tramp for that matter, especially in a professional work environment. Anything construed as a personal attack, regardless of race, creed, or gender would not be acceptable on any grounds of ethics.

Um, no. If you came in with a suit and tie, using extensive vocabulary, and were outright condesending, yeah you're acting like an asshole. You come in wearing a suit and tie, using extensive vocabulary, but are amiable and personable, no you're not an asshole. At that point, the perception starts with the person

Actually, I'm pretty sure you would end up getting fired for acting like an asshole, not for being a "white stereotype"...