
Feh, you think this is bad? You should see the shit we did in RE5 during Mercenaries. Quick combining ammo and dropping items in less than a split second was a art of necessity!

This method would still leave him with a neckbeard...

Microsoft, trolling OCD sufferers since 2005

But the problem with Barkley is his past MO was to just run down anyone in his way, even if he doesn't have the ball. His performance at the 92' olympics rather solidifies that. He would sooner bulldoze Durant than let him play a finesse game, thus why Durant would end up in traction by the time it's done :p

Yeah! Stop talking about a videogame! Talk about bad death scenes in movies instead!

Durant vs Barkley...

I wouldn't laugh, this means they are procreating, and able to instill their 'wisdom' and point of view with yet another generation so it takes longer for their BS to die out...

I'm actually thinking oversized cowboy hats, which I did see often overseas (or the tiny cowboy hats that Japanese women were wearing back during the turn of the century). I thought they were hilarious, myself...

Why does everyone perceive it as Superman making the world spin backwards? Isn't it more obvious that he's actually exceeding the speed of light, thus sending himself back in time?

I suddenly want calamari...

I would hypothesize that this is an adaptation possibly of a mechanism that ensures that drones do not nourish diseased or malformed offspring of the colony. Any mutation that may cause a change in their pheromones would trigger this, and the drone would destroy the pupae. Since the pupae is going to give off a

I fucking despise Heinekin, and my local liquer store knows to have any specialty or seasonal Sam Adams beer ready for me the moment it hits the store. Although, I can't say I'm STRONGLY liberal.

Tablets were designed by the great Kim Jong Il, before he graciously accepted Death's invitation to tea and Golf, to spontaneously provide abundant, healthy, and approved great foods for the virtuous peoples of North Korea. You western dogs will never have this magical technology for you are not the virtuous peoples

You gonna need a wheelchair?

Mmmm, mollusk excreted defense mechanism... oulm....

Wizards of Wor (first videogame I had ever played, and played the hell out of it)

Actually, Deadpool has pretty regular sexual intercourse with Death. In fact he got an extra long session with Death at the end of his first continuous series while his body was being torn apart by his past victims after they were brought back to life by T-Ray

Okay, as long as you're actually being critical about your decision, I can't fault you for it. Good luck on whomever you choose and hope it's the best for all of us.

Um, if you're just going to agree to disagree without providing any considerable rebuttals (referring to your last two responses to me)... why do you keep responding? Seriously, I prefer you to think critically about your point of view, even if you in the end justify it as still your desired one, not simply