
You're right, just rewatched the scene. For some reason I recalled him never setting his left foot down for the final step and just falling over. Not that it matters anyhow, since he managed to commit a totally different "exploding heart" technique on himself in real life... ;p

Actually, it probably was taught to her, but Bill only took four steps, not five...

Just a gif? underachiever...

Yeah, you didn't even get past the introduction of the game. Shenmue at the time was attempting and unprecedented level of immersion that no other game had attempted prior. In fact, without Shenmue, sandbox games wouldn't be as they are now. The game attempted to give a life to the main character, rather than just a

Well, first of all, if they are natural and functional or not, the end of the discipline is not to assign a moral value that condones or discredits those traits. Did it prove functional? Possibly, even if it's an ultimately undesired function. For instance, the primary function of racism in the United States was to

Nature and nurture are not always counteracting, true, but they can often be opposing forces. As for no natural state, there is a natural state, but we're getting into the fundaments of physics there ;p . After that, that's what I pretty much said; this concept of a natural state is a philosophical one, and to believe

Just because they may be able to find a reason for why racism and misogyny exist, it doesn't mean they condone it, or that they believe it's acceptable to continue it's practice in our society.

Dolphins aren't attacking porpoises because of competition, they're doing because they are capable of being genuine assholes. And once again, just because it's explained or even 'natural', does not mean that it's acceptable in society. It's nature vs nurture, instinct vs reason, or any other counteracting influences

Now playing

I think you got the wrong Bible. Here's an animated exert from Paul Ryan and Bill-O's version...

You don't even realize...

Wait, how is it trying to 'legitimize' racism and misogyny? Just because it looks for an explanation as to why animals practice these traits does not mean it is valid or acceptable as a sociological development. Dolphins killing porpoise babies for the sheer hell of it (racism), and deer stags using does as meat

Skyrocketed with less than stellar results... on what platform? I presume you're not talking about PC? :p

Hell, Benedict Arnold felt the colonies betrayed HIM. The reason he sided with the British is because the Colonies were accepting help from the French, whom he had spent most of his military career fighting against and despising. It was never like he betrayed the colonial army because he was given a better offer.

Thank you. Studies have shown a 20% increase chance of mortality or serious illness with each progressive weight class in a population, that is including muscled overweight people. All this talk about BMI being a 'failed tool' is smoke and mirrors; completely missing the fact that obesity is a symptom of the problem,

I want you to consider the fact that you just basically said "I'm smarter than science"...

Well, to be fair, Virtua fighter 5 has this issue as well...

BMI has always been a guideline to which you should consider getting further checked out on your condition; it was not meant as a standalone decider. Also, even if it is pure muscle, a high BMI still could be an issue, since with all that muscle, your heart is having to work harder to supply the blood to it. Of course

At the moment, since China likes money, there is a chance they may let someone pick it up here...

LoL, first fucking thing that came into mind at "To my great displeasure I found that my character was in the Heavenly Palace sect instead of the Wu Tang Clan".

Don't care if overpriced, WANT!