
These puns certainly R Mika this thread unreadable...

Are you trying to scare me out of the vodka party I'm already planning? Because I'm just amoral enough for it not to work in the slightest.

While that's true, that is usually due to other factors at play as well, such as poor diet (too much meat, for instance), viscosity of blood, age, and illness. Sitting on it's own is very unlikely to produce blood clots; if that were the case then we would be screwed just from going to sleep for 8 hours a day. Other

Actually, the act of sitting is dangerous because your legs tend to shut down with no activity, so there are no calories burned in that area after sitting for extensive periods of time. NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) keeps your legs (and other body parts) active through leg twitching, toe tapping. Such

Well, Professor, you can be forgiven, seeing as how you're a monkey...

At least the Roman Empire lasted over 1000 years, we haven't even made it 300...

A Starbucks philosopher?

As everyone has pointed out so far, time exists. What they don't explain is that time is not simply linear progression, but the rate of entropy of energy.

Overweight =\= obesity...

Overweight =\= obesity...

No, she's right, due to the fact that we've never had the abundance of food with high energy density at any point in history, which is nourished by our oil economy (highest concentration of energy we've every come across with a teaspoon being able to create the work of a horse for several hours). Not even the Roman

Would mugging him and taking his money be doing him a favor?

While nature taking its course would be letting the kid darwin himself; the thing is our society evolved to endure despite nature. Case in point is that most people don't drink near enough water in the first place. I can guarantee the vast majority of the people who visit this site don't. If kidney or gall stones

I think both of you are kinda forgetting a nice niche demography known for their habits of not eating; anorexics and bulimics...

OMG I think she's mauling him...

Man, I still have the 3 tons of plastic TV overlay screens for Mass Effect 3 in storage! I occassionally go restack them so that they don't end up melting together. I hated when they updated the ending, though, it was just so much easier to lay either the red, blue, or green screens over the ending screen...

Wait, wait, since when has Young Justice been cancelled?

Yeah, crows, crows are inevitable and will be impossible to defend against, I'm hoping for peaceful negotiations with them at most.

I believe Speedball was Avengers reserve for a while, also a member of the West Coast Avengers at one point.

you need to read up on tool usage by magpies. You may end up convinced that we need to kill them before they get smart enough to get us first :p