
Wow you got called a prick for being a condescending prick? Good to see you are so accustomed to it that you are proud though :)

Neat! Although now I have no idea what you are responding to! You sure are proud of yourself though.

not sure why my replies didn't get linked to your posts

gotcha, I just wasn't sure because "mental abuse" is the accusation that GGers use towards ZQ so I was making sure. I can see how that conversation could have been started from the original post, but not a serious conversation on ethics. The fact that ethics was attempted to be the take away from the original

Nobody likes Dennis Miller.

In a Dennis Miller sort of way

"(lets be fair suggesting you slept with someone for reviews is a form of mental abuse and slander)" I don't know what this means

Bragging about your "beamer..." Speaking of Gawker did you read the article they published today about the word that can be used to describe people like you?

Dude, you are classic

You are upset about that article? That article is about the harassers of Zoe. How is that "nothing to do with?"

You realize that article is totally (rightly) critical of GG right?

How could "an ex-boyfriend of Zoe Quinn spouting false accusations on his blog" lead to a "possibly useful, debate about journalistic ethic or how we interact online?"