
Too much talking and branding, not enough CNC milling porn.

The Macbook Airs have all been updated.

I asked for one at my company and it was given to me, free of charge.

Nope, 3D printed:

I just got mail from Comcast advertising this. It's really just broadband + TV, but it's marketed as "Blast Internet + HBO" and they prominently feature HBO Go in the copy. Feels silly to pay for TV service when I'm not going to hook up a TV to it, just to get legit access to HBO Go streaming, instead of mooching

Wow, comments like yours are what show me everything that's wrong with America. You just can't stand people who are different than you and think that people who aren't like you are "poor and trashy". Amazing.

I can't wait for that very same future. Human driving is insanely dangerous. We gloss over it, but it's by far the most dangerous thing humans in OECD countries are regularly exposed to.

By the time it's good enough that they can sell it to US consumers, it's worth trusting. I trust those systems a lot more than I trust most human drivers. People are really careless with their cars. It's terrifying.

From all the qualifiers in the Nexus 7 section, sounds like there is no single 7" tablet that has hit it out of the park yet.

I'll admit it: I have used the fancy cookie cutters on the Pillsbury dough and baked a load of brain blobs. It never crossed my mind to use different cookie dough; I thought the cutters were just a bad idea.

Why is wifi on a regular camera such a pain? Haven't Eye Fi cards been doing seamless zero-button uploads for a while now? Just bring your camera home, then sit down at the computer, and bam, all your photos are in your Dropbox.

It's not a tablet the way the Surface RT, iPad, and Nexus 10 are tablets. It's an ultrabook minus the keyboard, unless buy the optional cover. It compares quite favorably to the $999 Macbook Air.

He didn't say they *weren't* in speaker mode either.

I know it's free to switch over. That's what I meant by "we all own our phones outright".

If you used these on the subway, I'm not sure you actually qualify as a "grown-ass adult". Adults don't blast their music in public.

T-Mobile will do payment plans on the phones. So a higher bill for six months and then the phone is paid off and you have a cheap plan for the next year and half or however long. It's really not all that different.

Exactly. The phones don't have to be that expensive.

No mention of zinc-air batteries? Pretty good energy density and recyclable.

Uhh, what? Only in Japan is land so ridiculously expensive that parking a *bicycle* is a problem. In most places, bicycles are a *solution* to space problems caused by cars.

Only in Japan would something like this make sense.