
This guy is just in time for douche of the year.

What have you done to Olivia?!

Your dealer takes credit cards?! Sweet.

At least they followed rule #1- don't shit where you eat. Or something like that.

I used to do a lot of CAD work, so it's kinda neat to dork out on some of those drawings. They are really good, but then there is the stock title bar that is way too short and makes the whole thing look amateur.

No kidding. I can't believe the FDA approved this.

Thank you!

Don't freak out yet.

You sure are misinformed for someone so erudite.

A corporation is owned by shareholders. Shareholders of a corporation are (in theory) real people and have a right to speech. A corporation's ability to manipulate the political process should be limited to its shareholders. And if paying taxes is your criteria for having political access, then you have just

I was just using your own simple terminology to help you understand. My bad for underestimating your obviously superior intellect.

Maybe someone needs to get dragged down a little bit so that everyone else can get lifted up.

Maybe their ambition is a better society.

Have you seen the commercial? It's vile. I saw it last night and it upset me.

It does cost EA money to give out BF 1943.

Other companies make these. They're selling them at Costco now.

I have a great idea! Why don't you expose your kids to polio so you can show all of the vaccinators how idiotic they are.

What you call "dick" I call "awesome".

Where's our royalty check Damian? Are you forgetting the contract you signed at Burning Man 2000?

Man. I wish I could do this to my kid. As it is the little bastard is up at the ass crack of dawn on a saturday morning asking me about the romance requirements for a Juicygoose.