
Give it 12 to 18 months. Apple will buy EA and you'll be able to get Battlefield 3 at the App Store.

If you go to certain garden shops in Humboldt County they've got big bins of the stuff.

Libertarians believe that government exists to protect against force and fraud?

Nope. His head is going down to Hawthorne where it will be interred with the frozen heads of Howard Hughes and Walt Disney.

Redwood is terrible firewood. It doesn't burn well and has way too much tannin for cooking. This makes it great for construction though, since termites refuse to eat the stuff.

600mg of N-Acetyl-Cysteine every 2 to 3 drinks works pretty well.

Make it three if you count Myth. Or two if you count Halo as a remake of Marathon.

I dunno. The F-22 is apparently grounded because the oxygen generation system intoxicates the pilot.

Awesome! A way to make legit money in Humboldt County! Yeah, we have a lot of dope, but we have far more banana slugs. And they make much more slime than your run of the mill garden snail.

What are they worried about? Santa will always need lots of coal to fill the stockings of wicked people.

Definitely. Most of the parts are there, so it's not a huge stretch.

"make the world a crappier place" is a broad statement. I agree with you that politicians do not have that goal. Perhaps he meant to say "make the world a better place for a small percentage of the population at great expense to the rest of the population". That would be spot on for a significant portion of our

Now all they need is a frickin huge katamari.

At least we still have bash and vi.

"The internet has made me a douche"

I'm a big fan of positive reinforcement, but when you are faced with having to put a dog (heavily abused by its previous owner) to sleep unless it modifies its behavior, the shock collar is a viable option.

Correction: I guess it could end well, but I still tell my kid not to eat them.

It's kinda irresponsible to have a pic of someone about to eat an amanita muscaria. That won't end well at all.

The best part is the music at the Vonrosen website. Click the link!

@fuzzlemail: Are you saying gay couples are incapable of having or raising children? Because I think that is what you are saying.