@ddhboy: Two words:
@ddhboy: Two words:
Today I got an e-mail from Microsoft reminding me to renew my XBox Live Gold membership.
@uncutlateralus: Yeah, but what are you sitting in?
@Ben Nadler: Why yes I did! Did you read what I wrote? Footage they released a couple years ago is not the same as demo footage released a decade ago. Obviously they considered an RTS, but also obviously changed their minds pretty quick.
@Gasaraki-: I would think they would make one of them a little bigger.
@pdubs1087: A biologist winning a Turing Award. Oh the irony!
There is no apparent method to counteract the rotor torque.
@Ben Nadler: Maybe it was conceived as an RTS, but it was never shown as an RTS. The first time they showed the game it was a 3rd person shooter.
@azurianlight: Excellent.
@EnigmaNemesis: I remember the first Halo demo, and it definitely was not an RTS.
Apple probably has enough cash to buy any of the major publisher/studios, yet they haven't.
@blash: Two words.
I have a better way. (This is for the iPod touch BTW)
I'd gladly run a billion pound sterling submarine aground to get my hands on some Talisker.
@kidko: they're also not too hard to kill with a sword if you know what to do.
@seangonzo79: You can't do much in the free version. You can build with blocks, but there are no monsters, no tools, no switches, etc.
Dear Mr. Molyneux,
I worry about too many updates. Minecraft is pretty enthralling as is, and I would hate to see it get too corny. There are some things I'd like to see though- A track/pressure plate combo would be nice.
@MrEvil: Dude, you haven't got a clue. Logging where I live was destroyed by junk bond kings who pillaged loggers pension plans and left no trees
@CustomFirmware: No kidding.