@Aklost: What are you talking about? The Darwin TCP/IP stack is fine. And this is from someone who used to do sizable (1000 CPU) Linux renderfarms for a living.
@Aklost: What are you talking about? The Darwin TCP/IP stack is fine. And this is from someone who used to do sizable (1000 CPU) Linux renderfarms for a living.
Somebody needs to drop the hammer on News Corp.
I need something like this for minecraft.
I'm stunned by the absence of the Colecovision controller.
@Chris Hill: As you should.
@LeafRunner: I spend more time digging holes looking for minerals than doing housework, playing with my four year old, or listening about the latest excursion to Ross.
I've had Minecraft less than a week and my wife already hates it.
@Cleesox: Get TreasureChest or something similar to backup your game.
He's scheduled for surgery, which doesn't usually happen unless they have an idea of what is wrong.
@ridgecity: You must be either young or a foreigner to not get that joke.
"That's what a keyboard is for"?!
@ridgecity: Yep, no one wants to see kitties and doggies burn.
@ament001: That's part of it, but really it's about fantastic professional handjobs.
@smcallah: Exactly.
@Arken: Professionals only. Forbidden fruit. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but it's still a common marketing ploy.
A marketing ploy if there ever was one.
That logo is pretty cute.
@ssj4raditz: Somebody star this guy.
What's the difference between playing Nazis and playing Taliban except for the time frame?