
Have you ever tried to have sex on a waterbed? Don't. That's the real reason waterbeds are gone. You can't bone on them.

Another thing that Kurzweil leaves out is the functionality of repeats. His numbers are based on all the "junk" getting thrown out. But that junk is very likely functional.

Soulless furniture basics? Dem's fightin' werds.

@OrbitofGlass: I actually had a job interview a long time ago with Howard Shere- the programmer for Xenophobe. I had listed Xenophobe as one of my favorite games and had no idea that he programmed it. He saw that and thought I was deliberately brown-nosing.

@robo: Did I hurt your feewlings?

@wezelboy: Maybe teabaggers should consider Scientology...

I'm reading Atlas Shrugged right now, and I have noticed 3 chapters in that the writing oozes with false sentiment like one other notable book - Battlefield Earth.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Palpatine's my ho cause my lightsaber's quicker

@medopal: That WOULD be awesome.

Watching that was like having a bad shroom trip.

watts per hour is kind of a silly unit. What is it with Gizmodo and energy/power units?

Looks like Jersey Shore is getting a new cast member.

@pete: Fireplaces are the scourge of modern society period.

Pimps at Sea, my friends.

One of the best things about Red Dead Redemption is that you can pause a cutscene.

@Mienvard: It would have been even better if he had gotten jumped by a cougar afterward.

Cue Nelson Muntz.

Many many years ago my father and I made the mistake of leaving an 8 ft. Boa Constrictor alone in a 1970 280 SE while we went into the 7-11 for slurpees or something. We were gone less than a minute but the snake wasted no time... we returned to see the boa's tail disappearing up the dash board.

I thought for a second that you wrote Battlefield 1943 invite and I was excited, but then I read it again and thought "Meh."