
You forgot Half Life 2 in the list of games available.

I gave up a sweet sysadmin gig, and it has been very difficult to get back in given the current job situation.

His eyes are in the wrong place.

This is the only blessing that an unemployment check brings. Even with a family, I still get time to play Red Dead Redemption.

I just picked this up, and I've been digging it.

Since were not allowed to shoot bears around here, this looks like the next best thing.

@mchex: No. They probably use some kind of parity scheme to build the actual key from 5 different keys. A good example of something similar would be a RAID array rebuilding a volume after one of its drives has failed.

Anything Babylon 5 is awesome.

Does it make your voice sound like a robot when you talk into it? If not, I'll stick to my old fan, thanks.

@YardanCabaret: My four year old plays a lot of stuff on our iPod Touch. He loves Angry Birds. He's learning chess. The iPod Touch is less expensive and doesn't need a cell plan, but is a perfectly acceptable gaming device for the car (Although I have a PS2 rig for the car also).

This has been debunked. Gizmodo has an update.

Brilliant article.

@JesusDeSaad: One could argue that the pre-inseminated ovum was an egg (despite not having a shell), hence EGG first inside the pre-chicken.

@wezelboy: Image embedding isn't working for me today.

@Walking Eye!: No. Palin is okay with Subarus- not Subaru owners.

I'd much rather see a Kinect Seaman.