
What is your reason for posting this? You even wrote it is nothing but what his attorneys wrote, so I’m a little confused as to the reasoning here. You left no explainer or anything...want to elaborate?

This is not about equal rights for women, and you are a fucking idiot if you think it is.

Oh shut the fuck up, asshole.

You’re the real victim in all of this.

More like what was she wearing? Maybe she deserved it?

Thanks for leaving Reddit long enough to share this incisive comment!

I don’t think the point of equal rights for women is arguing that men and women are biologically identical.

the “don’t hit a woman” is well understood in our society. Calling for equal rights as women because you are a buck 50 is seriously the weakest shit I have ever heard. Holy hell go lift a fucking weight and stop being a complete and utter pussy. Jesus dude.

It looked like they were arguing, she walks in wiping her face like she’s been crying. And then he comes right to the table and they’re clearly talking to each other. She shouldn’t have shoved him, of course. He responded with clearly disproportionate force IMO.

No, leave those comments alone. Let that be exibit A: of a knee-jerk reaction

I went and saw Dr. Strange aware of the concern about Swinton’s role. Honestly, I thought they handled race in that movie about as well as they could have for the reasons that Swinton describes. Perhaps Swinton could have passed on the role and ensured it went to a woman of color instead (even if not Asian), but she

That’s fair. But in that case don’t NAME the person you are exaggerating about for a bit. For example: “Yeah, I was contacted by a celeb who wanted to know about why people were upset about whitewashing Dr. Strange” and leave it at that. Once you say “Tilda Swinton said to me” then you sort of lose your ability to

I mean, she can do all the bits she wants, but she really trashed Swinton here. At what point does your bit have to be at least a little bit true if you’re going to trash someone in it? The e-mails make clear that the exchange was civil and pleasant. Overall, Swinton appears open, even if she doesn’t address Cho’s

How does one determine when she’s speaking as an advocate and when she’s doing a bit. Is her whole push for more Asian representation just a joke? 

I hope everyone who posted histrionic comments about Tilda Swinton’s racism and privilege two fucking hours ago on the previous post goes back and deletes them now.

i can’t get over ANY OF THIS

lol I can’t believe the way M.C. handled this. What a mess.

Tilda classy AF.

It is never not possible for me to love Tilda Swinton more.