
And all of these pros can be done with a laptop and already exist from most publishers. Not hating, just saying.

Also Apple should get behind Follet, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and every other ebook seller since they're about the 3rd company to tout the death of the textbook.

As I've commented repeatedly on these articles... SO WHAT? The book company is still going to set the price which will still be high. This changes nothing for education.

Well I am assuming which may prove me wrong but having worked with Pearson Publishing a lot before they tend to go into a new market with a discount to lure people there. Like how they want people to use their online resources so for the students the access is free (Teachers have to pay and sometimes the school has to

It'll likely be Pearson will sell ebooks on iBooks (that's a horrible sentence). Once again a yawn fest. I hope it's more I really do but if it's that, it will save kids money but won't transform education.

So there's no market for better education tools? Or there's never been a product developed to create a market? Really?

I am sure I will in time and I am sure developers will be all over Windows 8 since it seems to be more enterprising in mind but again you're proving my point. It HASN'T happened yet and the iPad form has been out for a few years. Again I'm not saying it won't work. I'm just saying that companies could try to find,

Exactly! We keep trying to shove consumer tech into the classroom because "It's real world," and it is, but both Jobs and Bill Gates have said that they felt like technology hasn't changed teaching as much as they wanted it to. I just don't see much innovation in educational technology anymore.

Well to answer your question I'm speaking in generalities, and of course there are always exceptions. Having said that the majority of college teachers are trained as experts in their field not in education. Inevitably theories you learn in college get challenged, proven wrong, and abandoned. Teachers (good ones at

I have a smuggler question for you. I know it's a crappy one but did you by chance go with a Scoundrel or Gunslinger? I have a counselor healer at around 30 now and I like it a lot, but I wanted to try something different.

@drumstix93 That's sort of my point. Classroom teaching at the college level is so far behind the times. I mean PowerPoint is still the main method of delivery. I'm not saying PPT is a terrible piece of software but college faculty for the most part struggle to think past it. Blackboard is a "syllabus parking lot" 80%

But now you're sacrificing portability and compactness of an iPad just to word process? I'm going to lug two things just to type?

But see in a perfect world you would be right it's adapt or die. Unfortunately there are things like teacher's unions and tenure that make it near impossible to fire a college faculty member for bad teaching. I've worked at a university for almost 8 years. We have fired one teacher for bad performance. He had 10 years

Blackboard works semi for the most part. Safari has issues with text boxes which can be very very frustrating. Again Safari has gotten better, but Blackboard being the semi-dubious company they are advertise the App as so much better, and free. It's free for the students. It's around 40-60 grand a year for the school

But unlike the majority of your examples Apple is asking for a paradigm change. You will give tablets to everyone. That's going to impact your wireless, your classroom equipment, and what your IT department will have to support. Not easy things to win over with IT departments vying for control over their medium.

That's exactly my point @tactfulcactus, I'm saying it's a great thing to have it happen. The problem is some of the old guard faculty will be terrified of it. Some of them feel teaching is a lecture and nothing more. Where I work my college is rife with this and frankly they are stealing tuition from students for

So holding an ipad or buying a cover will lead to better note taking? Or is it you prefer to look at someone's eyes looking down over the back of a laptop because holding it up in front of you will get mighty tiring

Apple keeps going at this all wrong. Last month we had a rep come and talk to us and some faculty about how awesome the ipad would be for teaching and all they talked about were how students wouldn't have to carry around all of their books anymore.

I dunno, I met him a few times and he wasn't the nicest guy. Not saying he's a d-bag cause hey I don't hang out with him, but Wiebe was much much nicer

A smartboard cannot register velocity (currently and as far as I know) the majority of sympodiums and smartboards are not multi touch, and none of them have any type of voice command. I'm not saying faculty don't like them. I am saying they are using archaic technology that is designed around lecture teaching which is