
I don't get the ikea hate? Personally I prefer their design because it's simple and stark not antique.

Looks pretty cool to me so far. I never knew about shadow copy either...

Honestly i never understood why people "hate" any company. They try something, you don't like it... fine.Then stop crying about it to everyone.

@ Hahahahaha. Yeah, for as long as it benefits Microsoft. Is that in any way different from any other company? Why would a company invest in something if it didn't benefit them?

Actually he just kicked a field goal.

lol wow captain serious dislikes my comment. Now let me get back to shaving my fingers down with a razor blade...

Exactly! It's so easy to forget not everyone had high quality internet.

You should check out Zune. From my experience it is a much better experience.

I disagree with the "barbaric physical media" comment. Yes lots of people have the luck to live in an area with quality internet, but believe it or not some people don't so Dropbox isn't an option.

Styli are dead because my finger is way thinner than that and thus more accurate. Also someone call Wacom and tell them to pack it in.

Why would you want to tear an ass... pretty sick (and probably smelly)

It's really not about the chance to see a purple tree or a dog with three eyes (though that would be cool). I've always had this obsession with seeing places abandoned. As a kid I can't remember how many times I got caught running around in abandoned buildings. It wasn't to do something bad I just liked being in an

It's because he lives on planet "Look at me! Look at me!!!"

Is it weird that I want to go there and see it really bad?

Happy Birthday!

Clearly you're missing the sarcasm tags...

The other 5 billion people on the planet

Oh and MS just sold 350 million W7 Licenses so clearly they are all washed up

I think it's more of a scale comparison than a USA is better note.