PFFFTTT... Inkscape is more fun
PFFFTTT... Inkscape is more fun
Enough with the "It's a netbook it's not a netbook arguement." I think they both rule/suck equally.
@Hultner: well sort of. I mean an iPad can be cheaper than 700 (non 3g) plus that would be the reason... built in 3g.
MBA almost was exciting. I just can't get past $1000 for 64gb of storage and a c2D still. It's just too much money.
I almost was excited until I realized I can get 64Gb of storage for $1000.
@-zargon-: I agree but I am still puzzled by that price. I know everyone wants to make money but that is a bit high.
OS X Lion = Facetime Support?
Would Verizon torpedo this tab to make way for the iPad which they assume will sell better?
@coirbidh: either/or at this point. It still boggles my mind that Android does not have one...
@bodypainter001: that dude's beard is off center... I cannot watch this
That is nice and all but when the hell is Google going to finally release the Gdocs app for Android and iOS?
@anydange: @mrdobo: haha me too. I can still remember when I was playing snake and got a text message and was all like "WTF is a text message!?! does that mean new high score?"
@mrdobo: haha same here. I can still remember being mid snake when I got my first text message and I literally said aloud "WTF is a text message!?!"
@Bizdady: How many hours I wasted on this phone playing snake
Sometimes I miss just having a phone phone in my pocket. I have to force myself to not check messages every 30 seconds...
@soujisama: I hope so it would be great to make a PowerPoint of me pwning n00bz :-) then send it to them for comments
I know that the 365 is in reference to days, but sine the Xbox is the 360 and office is 365 is the next product going to be Windows 370?
I will buy this only if it plays Rock around the Clock the entire time it is plugged in.
@joeyoeyoeyo: that is a very valid point. I was not thinking from a Dev point of view. Though while there are a ton of flavors of android does a Dev have to cater to all of them? Are there a ton of people using every single version on that chart?
Has anyone actually gone out and asked users if this "fragmentation" bothers them? As a Droid Incredible owner I have never had much of a problem finding what I need to get things done on my phone and I am still dealing with adding Sense on top of it.