
@WetSkeletonz: Or, the girl in brown is trying to sneeze in the other ones face... some girls are into that I guess

What is up with that picture.

@baldbeaver: haha it was the first thing I thought of when I saw it...

George Lucas lawsuit in 3...2...1

@SewerShark: the same thing that happens when you type Google into Google...

I cannot stand what these people have done to education and media. I work at a University and so many faculty members are just terrified about using media in their classrooms. Most of the issues are these blow-hards fear mongering about copyright issues that are just straight wrong.

@GuyWithDogs: I couldn't agree more. Like how many hoops do I have to jump (and pay) through just to access Google Docs. It was incredibly frustrating.

As an iPad owner, I would drop it in a heartbeat for an Android device.

@Facescar: you and your fancy math tricks..

It still surprises and disappoints me that we are not currently flooded with Android tablets.

@vein11: I agree I have an iPad now and I would trade it in in a heartbeat for something with more connectability

I can understand it. As a current iPad owner I find I like the form factor over the actual iPad experience.

@Kaspir: his head is too square

Lookin good Matt, do me a favor if you see G. Beck, punch him in the face

So in an emergency, like I'm being attacked by Jason Vorhees, and I grab my friends iPhone to dial for help it'll get shut off? Rad

I guess Cheney is gonna be out of luck with this one

it must suck not being able to use a computer...

"Just come visit me and your mom" That line seriously made me realize how much money I blow on crap gadgets I use for 6 months then bail on.

You'd be surprised though at what people will unknowingly spend money on.

All you would need to do to make it better than an iPad is camera, at least 1 USB port, and a solid solution for document work (Gdocs for your tablet that you can easily edit for FREE, or Office) and you would be in business.