
I can totally buy the when people say 10000 years ago, what they mean is just a long time ago, not actually 10000 years. And if it was left at that, it would make sense for a largely agricultural society that can’t comprehend more than a few generations due to illiteracy etc.

eh, it is fiction so he can come up with whatever reasoning he wants. But replace 8000 with 1000 years and things make so much more sense from both a technological and cultural view.

Sure, but they started out with 1500 era technology. So draw a graph from 1500 to 9500 :). Or basically it only took us 500 years to go from where they were to the digital age, wheras they have gone nowhere in 8000 years.

That makes sense for a millennia, but we are talking 8 times that length of time. The trope of thousands of years passing in fantasy novels just seems silly. Make it 500 or 1000 years. Could use your explanation for why things stopped for a bit, but still how legends could be passed down. (stories from 8000 years ago

I’d agree with this. The problem is that they did have science / writing etc. 8000 years ago. But for some reason it didn’t lead anywhere? The fact that they rose to a certain level of technology BUT then stagnate for 8000 years is what is weird.

I believe they have coal in westeros? or something very similar?

They have coal in westeros, so possibly petroleum?

Sure, a lot of the technology has advanced in the past 200 years. But for westeros we are talking 8000 years of stagnation, both for technology and culturally. The span of time is ridiculously long and could have been shorted to 500 or even 1000 years to make a ton more sense. Something like the Doom which took

Why do writers continue to use incredibly large time frames when writing about past events? 8000 years? more than the length of the time it took our civilization to go from nothing to the digital age and yet almost nothing has changed for westeros. Same crap farming, military, etc. technology. You’d think someone

I have a chance of hitting a home run. I have zero chance of dunking. You can get lucky and hit a home run (really really lucky). but you aren’t getting lucky and dunking.  plus 10ft is 10ft is 10ft. There are some really short porches out there.

sadly not true. but probably indicative of Henderson’s mentality.

“From most things I hear,”

Winning isn’t everything, actually having a likable team with likable players is. Running the team like a modern business where everything is about profit margins will crush any sort of emotional attachment. But i’m sure that the A’s organization makes money. It is also hard to overloook Beane’s complicity in this. He

yea, seems like if an entire civilization has stark ++ technology, then we don’t really need the avengers? or is it implied that they provide technology to a select few outsiders, who keep it secret. essentially verifiying every single right wing consipracy theory?

Star Wars seems to work best on a small scale. aka the relationship between the characters of IV - VI. When they try and world build, aka I-III and VII, it gets pretty bad. Not unwatchable bad, but just, why are they trying to expand out the world as it makes no sense, bad.

While on the surface it may seem like “free” or cheap advertising, there are millions of attempts by companies that fail for the one or two that go viral. Plus they probably have several full time advertising or marketing people trying to figure this out. So while that “free” advertising Wendy’s got with the tweet

Is it really a “boycott” when you just choose not to use their service because they are shitty?

There are problems with letting drivers nix a ride after learning the destination. Drivers are not going to accept rides going to unpopular (read poor) destination due to the difficulty in getting a subsequent passenger. Some drivers (read some racist drivers) will also not accept rides to certain parts of town

The unions sold out the latest generation. Sure, if you are over 40 you could probably make more in a Union, but due to the tier systems, if you are just starting now, you are screwed. There is no “we are in this together”, rather the sole purpose of Unions now seem to be “protect our current members benefits” and not

What was Hillary’s great plan for helping these people?