
Sure, because i want this federal government telling local governments how to act.

The Mcdonalds near me just went to automated kiosks. Holy crap is it a pain the arse now. Confusing and takes longer. Have not gone back.

Nothing is going to change. Lost in all this “sky is falling” ruckus is the fact that even under net neutrality, the internet is still pay to play. Does Gizmodo just have a server running in the office that you’ll setup to host this website? nope, you pay other companies to host, maintain connections and speed etc.

Did CNN somehow back into the broadcast rights?

pretty sure that the dinosaur was wearing his invisibility cloak when it was clawing the gouges. So makes perfect sense.

Look, he may be a racist and a creepy pedophile. But gosh darnit he is a CHRISTIAN racist and pedophile. Not like that satanist CLINTON lover democratic candidate.

As mentioned, a huge problem is server imbalance. If you play alliance on a horde server, world PVP is probably the least fun thing to do. You are always outnumbered 5 to 1 or 10 to 1.

Why would anybody care. These are defensive players. Last time i checked, they don’t really score any fantasy points for me. And doug baldwin put up fine fantasy numbers. I don’t see what the problem here is.

Folding maybe. But why would you buy Tesla at such an inflated price? Their tech is good, but clearly not game changing.

People “watch” or follow football because of gambling. Either your classical gambling or fantasy sports. Sundays make sense because you have a whole bunch of things going on that you may have some financial stake in. Mondays are the day that people try and get even (or somehow win a fantasy game). Thursday game don’t

The customer gets the ability to schedule services in their house. E.g. you can have someone feed your pet, clean your house, do your laundry, cook your dinner, etc. without you having to let them in. The reason this could work with Amazon as opposed to some other corporation is that people actually trust Amazon and

“Labor and capital in balance, sharing the proceeds of work based on fair negotiation.”

Can someone do a quick explainer on why the toys to life systems failed? For a while there they all seemed to be licenses to print money? and now they are just gone?

hmmm with a name like Killmonger, I wonder if he is the bad guy?

“including the additional 93 miles she added to the trip”

Eh, sure the tax breaks could be stupid for a city, but the process is not exactly new or wrong. Amazon (and anybody else looking to build / move etc.) needs assurances from a city that things will be done. You can’t just plop down 50,000 workers (i’d be surprised if it gets even close to that) and expect things to

Wings? why?

Not really a big deal, it is just Llamas trying to lock up a future position at Foxnews.

“They were playing a thousand miles from home, on a single day’s notice”

Sorry yes, i just picked a date off the top of my head. My main point would be that the graph is a poor visual aid because of the dramatic increase we made in the last 200 years and the incredibly long time that it took to go from discovering agriculture to the medieval period. If you have a different date in mind