
Somewhere, there is video of election night at Clinton HQ. There HAS to be. They would have had all of this recorded for a behind the scenes retrospective of the first woman elected president. I dont believe for a second that HRC was a good loser. Not for a second.

Professional athletes are notorious sluts. Did she think her vag was special?

Title: “My History of Picking Losers”

Now playing

You had me until you said you respect Maxine Waters. She is an idiot. She is in the same idiot bucket as this buffoon. I urge you all to watch this:

To the broad that calls herself a stunning beauty, I would like to offer a 2nd opinion. I would rate you a 6. Later in the evening, when I am full of red wine, I will give you a 7.

I am not joking. As i get older, I am finding older women way more attractive than 20 and 30 somethings. Mrs WeTooLow, in her 50's, is breathtaking.

Wrong! Late 30's and 40's is prime hotness. Confidence exudes.

As hard as it is to believe, somebody got tired of banging Christy Brinkley. She has been divorced 4 times.

Kinda like hillary, right?

You must be new around here. The hypocrisy is astounding. Be careful. When trying to add respectful counterpoints, you get banned.

I am waiting for the chapter about her campaign paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies. Also about the state department trying to bribe the FBI. And Donna Brazile giving her debate questions in advance. And having a private email server in her house. And Bill conveniently bumping into the attorney

I worked for a major airline for many years. Non rev’ing attire was to be a sport coat and dress slacks for me. I had no problem with it. I traveled all over the world for free.

He is no different than Rachel Maddow.

Career politicians have been the undoing of this country.

I agree completely.

Not as big of a stretch as you may think. Certainly, Trump has handled most everything in a ham-fisted manner. But, the lack of outrage amongst concerned Americans regarding Obama’s lack of transparency makes me wonder if this is more about the R and less about the D.

Curious why there has never been any mention of the Obama administration being the least transparent administration in memory?

The premise of this show has always pulled me in. I quickly lose interest though. Not sure where it goes wrong.

Given the total fucking disastor the Dept of Education has been, the time for protesting leadership was long ago. More of the same is not the answer.

Exactly. They were all silent when the democratic party hand delivered the nomination to HRC. How many capable candidates were denied the opportunity to run? Crickets from them all.